Should Trump debate Kamala on ABC News?


  • Stephanie Lasayko - 6 weeks ago

    Yes, only if it doesn’t hurt his lawsuit. And if she agrees to 9/4 at a Fox studio.

  • Carla Jecha - 6 weeks ago

    Trump will not be treated fairly on ABC. They will attack him and provoke him. Thus making her look smart. lol her smart????

  • Cher - 6 weeks ago

    ABC is very liberal all news channels are very liberals. It's sickening to watch. And George Stephanopoulos has turned so far to left he is awful to watch

  • Leann - 6 weeks ago

    Why bother it will be the same old stuff and I don't know about anyone else I am sick of all the bias and lies. Hope this makes sense. I do not see what he has to gain from it and she will cancel or not show up anyway.

  • Arizona Kalde - 6 weeks ago

    Call her bluff & wipe the floor with her flakiness & radical record.

  • Patty - 6 weeks ago

    Trump will not be treated fairly on Abc,they will cut him off every question they ask him, and cater to Harris! They will make her look like a star. Everyone should know this! It would be foolish!

  • Laurie - 6 weeks ago

    I said no because I don’t trust ABC to be fair.
    If Harris agreed to a private studio and moderated by Mark Levin then I say YES!!!!

  • Diana - 6 weeks ago

    Trump agreed to debate Biden. Kamala(terrible in Finnish), Made no such agreement. She may be the chosen one by the demonic machine. But not democratically elected.

  • Julie - 6 weeks ago

    I can’t believe the percentage of no was higher than yes
    Trump can debate her under any circumstances and will always win hands-down

  • Linda RouchJuhasz - 6 weeks ago

    I think there should be 2 debates. One on Fox (Trump's choice), and one on Kamala's choice, (ABC). That is why I said yes. Fair game!!

  • Nancy Merritt - 6 weeks ago

    Definitely debate. NO NOTES, NO EARPIECES, time limit, moderators from both parties

  • Ginger - 6 weeks ago

    Trump graciously debated Biden on Biden’s (Dem’s) terms. Harris was not part of that agreement. Trump should debate Harris at Fox on HIS terms. Don’t bend/cave. Stand firm for the American people.

  • MTMOMMA - 6 weeks ago

    She won’t debate President Trump. She’s to afraid of him but he needs to debate her on a channel that doesn’t hate him and will ask her the hard questions Biden should have been asked. Maybe News Nation, One News. Blaze Tv would be great, right Side Broadcasting and it needs to have a Republican Host and maybe a democrat'. The msm hates Trump and they have proved themselves as such since 2015.I think DML GLEN BECK, Huckabee would all be good asking the questions.

  • Dave - 6 weeks ago

    We heard of bait and switch, this is switch and bait. They switched the candidate and now they are baiting him by calling him scared. The cards are stacked against him cause everyone minus the janitor in charge of the debate has the dark disease in them. Trump definitely is quite the character and a little rough around the edges, but he speaks truth and those that seek it will hear and see the truth.No wonder Hollywood is involved, they groom the whole process of propaganda and script writing to affect peoples emotions and lets face it, media and movies and story telling get peoples emotions to believe propaganda. That is the way of the socialist liberal AKA the dark disease. A powerful evil presence that these days is not afraid to show its true form,People are blinded from their forked tongue and the diarrhea that spews through it! Those with two faces must be looked at twice. I say Do It. Those who seek Truth will find it.

  • Gina G - 6 weeks ago

    He definitely should debate her, but the terms should be renegotiated. For Kamala to think he's a coward is ridiculous. If a fighter agreed to a fight, then they swapped out the opponent, there would absolutely be a renegotiation.

  • Douglas Schmitt - 6 weeks ago

    If she is too chicken to a debate on fox then he should not do one on abc.

  • Kathy - 6 weeks ago

    Absolutely NO. First of all DONALD J TRUMP has nothing to prove about Kamel-a. He is the former POTUS and everyone knows he'll mop up with her. Let HER continue to say no to FOX News. It only shows she's a coward.

  • JoDee - 6 weeks ago

    I feel whatever, wherever, and however they debate, Trump will outshine Kamala simply because his answers are coherent and hers are word salad without substance. It would be better on more neutral territory, but any debate would show that she no longer has a coherent thought in her head.

  • Lorraine - 6 weeks ago

    He did first debate, chosen by Dems, now President DJ Trump should have his choice for debate.. ????????????????????????

  • Steve Hardin - 6 weeks ago

    Absolutely not, debates need to be fair stop letting the Democrats have their way.

  • Dann Caudle - 6 weeks ago

    We need a Republican platform for the debate for once! I'm so sick and tired of these CNN bologna moderators! All of the canned questions are stupid we need audience real American questions !

  • Lori - 6 weeks ago

    Not he shouldn’t. He agreed to that debate with Biden, not her. Trump bowed to all the demands of the first debate and shouldn’t have to bow to her demands! She only wants ABC CUZ THEYLL GIVE HER QUESTIONS AHEAD OF TIME AND FAVOR HER!! She wants to run the country….she can face whoever!!

  • Kathy - 6 weeks ago

    No he should not fold to her demand, that is a sign of weakness. Keep reminding people that he wants a fair debate and fair elections. He need to continue to portray her as weak and scared...WITHOUT THE NAME CALLING AND CHILD NA-NA-ING. Talk about policies and America first agenda and how she will not respond because we see their policies.

  • Jamie quick - 6 weeks ago

    If it doesn’t effect his lawsuit than I’d love to see him tear to shreds old Georgie and kamica

  • Jeff - 6 weeks ago

    Not if it can negatively affect his lawsuit.

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