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Which factor was most responsible for your getting your current job? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 327

  • Not-so-newbie - 5 months ago

    Recent college grads may find this helpful (or extremely antiquated) ... I found my first job right out of college through my college's internal job board, which I suppose gave me a leg up in that my future employer already was pre-disposed to hiring graduates from my school. I mailed my future boss a thank you note after my interview, a gesture that I later found out they were surprised by and appreciative of. I'm not sure how much that worked in my favor compared to other candidates, but I know it certainly helped me stand out.

  • Mark - 5 months ago

    One category missing, perhaps: obtained current position through a merger of my previous employer into a much larger health system. While I was matched by a recruiter into my original role, my current role is as a result of being invited to continue to work for the larger health system in a position that would provide me with continued professional growth.

  • Bob - 5 months ago

    I'm finishing a non-compete, so we formed a P3 Social Equity Analysis start-up. I used my extensive knowledge and contacts, hired some pre & post-docs and got PE cash. So it's less of a "job" and more of a passion and belief

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