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Do you fear the US will go to war to protect Israel from Iran prior to the election?


  • pam - 6 weeks ago

    They will go to war to suspend the election Just like the Ukraine did so they can keep Trump out of office!

  • Patricia - 6 weeks ago

    No. The democrats would lose their voter base with the protesters on college campuses. Remember Harris was reluctant to meet with Netanyahu when he was in D,C,

  • Arizona Kalde - 6 weeks ago

    I'm worried our military won't be enough, since it's been significantly weakened by the Biden-Harris Regime.

  • Arizona Kalde - 6 weeks ago

    I'm worried our military won't be enough, since it's been significantly weakened by the Biden-Harris Regime.

  • Leslie Orozco - 6 weeks ago

    I’m more concerned that USA will not help Israel. Israel is our only true ally in the Middle East, and we should be aiding them. Jesus is truly at the door ready to return, and no other Biblical prophecies need fulfillment before the rapture. We are a very young nation comparatively speaking. I believe we have been so blessed as a country because of our support for Israel…the apple of God’s eye. The struggles and decline from within are a direct result of this administration turning its back on Israel.

    “I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.””
    ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭12‬:‭3‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

  • Sandi - 6 weeks ago

    No because Israel want to defeat them on their own.

  • Linda Lytle - 6 weeks ago

    I to believe that Biden will not help them and also he’s still sending our money to his buddy in Ukraine. It’s so sad that all of this violence is going around the world Jesus is coming soon and he will protect his people. May God bless us all. Thank you Dennis for all the hard work you do for us.

  • James Sassano - 6 weeks ago

    I don’t believe this administration will protect Israel.

  • David - 6 weeks ago

    I fear more the they/ we will not help Israel at all.

  • James Basho - 6 weeks ago

    I am afraid they will put on a show and drag it out like Obama to protect the Arabs. Finance both sides for 20 years. Would rather have Trump and his mean tweets and no wars!

  • MTMOMMA - 6 weeks ago

    I don’t think they will help Israel because this administration & top leaders of the abcdefg’s don’t either. I think Trump would but look at the way things are now. Telling we have a sub there is like telling the enemy come finds us. It says all nations will turn against Israel in the end times. Israel will sustain many tragedies but she will survive because she is still standing during the tribulation time. The U.S. isn’t mentioned in the Bible so we are either not going to be here or we will be under rule of another country. All these things must come to pass. But woe to the countries who go against her.

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