Will you be voting early or on Election Day?


  • Joan - 5 weeks ago

    I have always voted on Election Day but this year I’m doing what Bongino recommends and am “banking my vote” by voting early. I don’t trust that cheating won’t occur on Election Day—power outages, leaking toilets, cyber attacks etc. We can push for an Election Day voting and paper ballots AFTER we win the election. We have to win first.

  • Dennis Gibbs - 6 weeks ago

    I have voted in every election since 1976. I’m a 23 year veteran of the US Army. I’m seriously thinking of not voting. I honestly believe that our current electoral system is so corrupted that there can be no fair election. I hate what is happening to our great country but I see no way this election will be fair or balanced. The Democrats have proven they will stop at nothing to retain power. There is only one way forward to regain our nation. The answer can be found by reading Washington, Adams, and Jefferson.

  • Duane - 6 weeks ago

    Wory about voting early, give the left time to lose my vote. Democrats plan to hold onto power over us.

  • Ronald Crim - 6 weeks ago

    I vote early because I live in Washington State and there is no place to go and vote in person on election day. We have two choices here: 1) we get our ballots in the mail, 2) we fill out the ballot, 3) we drop the sealed ballot into a ballot drop box or put it in the mail. Other than signing the ballot envelope, there is no way to verify who I am, my voter status, my record of address or any of the other safeguards that were built into the system for voter verification prior to casting our votes. Other states do this too. It has to be stopped! It is the citizen's responsibility to re-register to vote once they move. It is the citizens responsibility to ensure that their driver's license is up to date and the address is reflected correctly. It is the States responsibility to have poll locations open and in good operation with fully trained and fully vetted poll workers that will verify who we are and will guard our ballots!

  • DR - 6 weeks ago

    I will be voting early because I work the polls on election day. I encourage everyone to vote!

  • lanie - 6 weeks ago

    For the

  • Becky Davis - 6 weeks ago

    I vote early (1-2 weeks) because I’m often out of town on Election Day. But I live just a few miles from the county seat, so I don’t use the mail. I drive and drop off my ballot at the special drop off the board of elections sets up at the county seat. Because I do mailed ballot, when they take my sealed ballot from the drop off, it gets scanned and I get an email saying my ballot has been received and will be counted on or before Election Day. DuPage County is in Illinois, and while Illinois doesn’t get a lot of things right, DuPage County has a good track record of getting election ballots right. I say all this because I think it is good to remember that there are places in this great country of ours that have set up good controls on elections and good in place audits. I’m blessed to be in one of those counties. I have served as Election Judge and Technical Judge in the past and know about the training, and the background audits and controls. So my comment has a bit of knowledge behind it. And if we can turn, or keep, this county contrary to the state, it will stay this way.

  • Gma2dawgz - 6 weeks ago

    Living in a very small town, we get one choice and that’s on election day.The city keeps the doors locked and nobody’s available to sit there waiting for people to come vote early.

  • Edward Vrana Jr - 6 weeks ago

    In Texas we have had early voting for decades, it makes it much easier to vote having 10 days to early vote, take the stress of election day delays and overcrowding out of a needed duty to the national, we need every LEGAL vote tallied to get our country back. We need to worry about how getting as many citizens out to vote in this election in November, more than how they vote.. how people vote and national vote ID laws can be addressed for future elections later..
    There is a saying, DON’T put the horse in front of the cart!! If we don’t send a LOUD notice this election it could cause the forfeit of our country as most know it

  • Ken Tracey - 6 weeks ago

    Not sure we can count on our vote being counted, early or on Election Day. Unless your voting the way the deep state wants!

  • Terri - 6 weeks ago

    This year I recommend changing your pattern. Vote early this year. US government (CISA) is warning Americans that they (CISA) are anticipating problems on voting day. So, if you want your vote to count, encourage a change this year.

  • DRhonda Wallace - 6 weeks ago

    I have always voted Election Day because I believe it is constitutional. This year I will be voting early and in person. I do not trust that something isn’t going to happen on Election Day.

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