Do you believe monkeypox will be the next global pandemic?


  • Dana - 5 weeks ago

    It is quite possible they will try. However, enough of us might been released from their spell that we can keep it from happening again.
    By the way (note, I didn't have time to look this up myself), but someone on Truth posted a report that skin welts can be caused by an autoimmune disease, and the C Vx can cause this. Hmmmm.

  • T - 5 weeks ago

    I think this is a precursor to something we won’t get a heads up about, they will spray us all and then…..after people start dropping like flies….. o M G we dont know what it is !! Stay home stay home…. Just in time for election selection

  • Kathy - 5 weeks ago

    It could be pushed as a pandemic just like Covid. BUT if like Covid it's something that can be treated as many independent physicians successfully did with Covid, it will also prove to be a hoax to terrify people and just another way to steal the 2024 election! If this is TRULY Obama coming out of the waves of the San Francisco Bay with specimens of monkeypox...HOW OBVIOUS AND BLATANT CAN IT BE???

  • Audrey Lamar - 5 weeks ago

    I am praying that if the Democrats try the same bs with monkey pox as they did with covid in 2020 elections that Americans this time won't fall for it again.
    I am ESPECIALLY praying that enough American People don't fall for the Poll numbers BS and EVERY AMERICAN CITIZENS GET OUT AND VOTE VOTE VOTE. Well the smart ones who are tired of what is going on.
    I pray that the American people would stop worrying about Trump's name calling and pay more attention about what his plans for AMERICA!!!! AND that how it was when he was president in 2016.
    Prices lower, energy efficient to name a couple of things. (sorry I am not fully awake enough to remember ALL ,I only have had 1 cup of coffee)
    He DEFINITELY opened my eyes about what the government does when the American people are not paying attention.
    I wished that EVERYBODY would remember that President Trump is in his 70's and like most (if not all people) are set in our ways the older we get. Including myself and I speak my mind. One thing I do know is that above everything President Trump LOVES AMERICA and has always showed it.

  • David - 5 weeks ago

    Unsure if it will be the next plandemic, but they will try!

  • Linda - 5 weeks ago

    We all know their up to no good so let’s try and get a step ahead of them

  • Christine Felska - 5 weeks ago

    The only way they can win is to lock us down. I live in Michigan and the Governor locked us down and destroyed freedom. She closed the schools for the rest of the school year and passed everyone.

  • Shirley Blanchard - 5 weeks ago

    Why should it? Another ploy by the left. Their power is getting beyond control. We have to end it!

  • Dave - 5 weeks ago

    I wouldn’t put it past them, they are evil power hungry tyrants that will stop at nothing to hold power. Evil equals lying, cheating, stealing, murdering, false witness, false or doctored information, etc… all in the name of love for money and or power. Truly evil bastards

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