What's your opinion on sites with live agents (chats, exit popups) and audio/video without an OFF/MUTE switch?


  • Robert - 15 years ago

    also agree with all of the above comments concerning pop ups and sites that automatically come on when I click on them. All sites should provide the option of clicking on if you choose . At the same time Roger makes a good point also. We put our sites in front of eyes for a reason but it should be up to the individual if he or she wants to listen in.

  • Joy - 15 years ago

    Both these things annoy me too - I think what most annoys me about the live assistants are that it's an insult to my intelligence. Do they really think I believe that someone is sitting there waiting to chat to me? Yeah right!!

    Roger has raised a really interesting point and one that's troubled me for a long time. I don't have time to surf so I buy my credits, and I have to say that so far with any form of advertising, my return on investment of time and money is abysmal. (I only joined Hits4U TODAY - so reserve judgement, but it's been recommended by someone I respect so I am hopeful.)

    I have bought stuff from ads seen surfing, but I suppose the reason many of us go into autopilot is because we're seeing the SAME splash pages over and over ad nauseam. My best advice is to use your own squeeze page, and (by coincidence!) the tools I use include a very simple way to generate capture pages for those of us who struggle with such things.

  • roger - 15 years ago

    i understand the complaints filed here . yes it annoys me as well. but heres the thing . what are we here for . traffic to our own websites. so if you have up 3 or 4 sites at a time just how the heck are you really seeing anything . you just pass us by trying to get to the next one . which in turn wastes my money . i buy most of my credits and surf a little bit . when i surf i surf and have looked at many things offered here . isnt that whats it for anyway . you really should look , i have found a few thing of great interest. and by the way if your wondering , i still use this service because its the only one that has done anything for me at all . i have got 2 new members from here , just imagine what would happen to all of use if we just slowed down a little bit and really looked so some of us use what ever we have to , to get you to look at what we have to offer. i dont use these technics but have though about it

  • FreeStar - 15 years ago

    Using sound is a big turn-off to visitors. Why so many people think they need to be heard and/or seen is beyond me. It simply screams "snake oil" & amateur. The same goes for those "wait.. don't go" and other pop-ups.

    Annoying potential customers is not the way to endear oneself to them. Few waste their time to hunt down the "stop" button when everyone knows where the "X" is located on the browser.

    More potential visitors (and possible sales) are lost by using these than people realize. As an internet marketing consultant, web designer and copywriter I refuse to take on clients who insist on any of this. Fortunately, once demonstrated how unprofessional this really looks and sounds to others, clients usually see the light.

    Quality copywriting and a professional looking web site are THE most benefitial means to get your point across online. Using the above mentioned tools is nothing but laziness and possibly a big ego on the part of the so-called "marketer".

  • Susy - 15 years ago

    I fully agree with all of the above. One te I belong to refuses to get rid of these...in fact espouses the virtue of splash pages with auto on sound files, too. The problem is, even with the best of plugins, much gets through, and some folks refuse to learn HOW to configure these properly. They either lock up/freeze/or totally boot you offline.

    I would love to listen to my music but now it's impossible as you never know when these will come through.

    I wish all te's and other paid sites would completely enforce disallowance unless the auto OFF feature is configured and used. I have found these load much better and quickly, do not disturb anything else on the computer, and won't boot you offline. I don't mind people using these functions, just wish they'd take some responsibility and give it a thought or two. Many of the folks utilizing these know very well most people ARE unhappy, they just don't care enough to do a little extra work.

    Sorry for the vent, but it's really beginning to irritate me no end.

  • Virginia Holst - 15 years ago

    I hate those things which either drop into a site covering the real site so I cannot read or respond to it and I also hate those which come up and have a countdown so I cannot read the last lines of the site which is paying to be read. They are too much of a distraction and I have determined that I would not purchase from them EVER. They are a nuisance.

  • Jeannie - 15 years ago

    I agree with every single post above. I do turn my speakers off while surfing but I would love to listen to my itunes playlist if I could! I surf late at night and used to keep the sound on but blaring audio would disturb my husband so I have to surf with sound off. This has got to be the most annoying thing about surfing and, yes, those chat/popups are next in line. I will not ever look over any program with these features in their pages.

  • digital scrapbooking - 15 years ago

    I use Firefox add-ons to kill most of the crap sites that have auto play and popups that won't let you leave. My favorite add-on is NoScript.

  • Richard Perkins - 15 years ago

    I totally agree with the opinions posted above. I usually have between 5 and 10 surf windows going at one time and when you get 3 or 4 of these guys hollering at you that they are busting out a 10 dollar business it makes me cringe. I can't understand half of them anyway! I run several websites and when one of the owners asked me to put a sound byte on his site that says "Oh SO Smelly" to the tune of the "The Jetsons" I said NO WAY! I believe it drives more customer off since I personally will click off of a website that is playing a video or sound as fast as I can.

    I like to hear my live support software as it alerts me to live visitors on my site. If I want to I can invite the users to chat but I never do as I hate someone interrupting my surfing, I am normally trying to hit a goal by server reset so stopping a good flowing surfing session is annoying.

    Great question!

  • Diane - 15 years ago

    I have found a couple of great solutions for myself. My new Firefox browser stops all pop-ups and for the sound I just turn all sound off on my monitor - I don't get to listen to other suff of course, but my surfing is far more efficient and less stressful. Sometimes peace if mind is more important than mega multi-tasking. I already have multiple tabs running, I don't need the extra distractions.
    Just me.

  • Edmund Burke - 15 years ago

    Like most people these days I use multi-tab browsing, and my speakers are turned OFF because so many sites use the auto-play videos when they should
    actually be using Splash Pages. For those of us promoting CBPirate, they have supplied us with Splash Pages, so people should try to use them instead of the URL with/main/ in it.

  • I find the chat/audio sites very annoying.

    Most of us have 3 to 4 surfing windows open at one time
    by the audio and chat sites coming up in rotation every now and then, it just makes it one more thing to cause the pc to operate at a slower speed.

    I been using traffic exchanges since 2005, so i have learned ways to slow /stop most of them, but some sites are just a pain to come across while surfing.


  • nikna88 - 16 years ago

    Yes,I agree with somebodyunfamous. They will interrupt my playlist which I always turn on every time I am on the internet.

  • Somebodyunfamous - 16 years ago

    Furthermore, I don't like sites with autoplay anything (flash animation with sound, youtube videos, sound bytes, etc...). All I need to interrupt my awesome playlist is some internet "guru" dodo who thinks his voice has to be heard and/or his face has to be seen in order to pilfer his "wonderful" product; the obnoxiously loud taxi horn, horse neigh, and dolphin splash are right up there too!

    Thanks for letting me vent! Happy surfing and make it a great day!

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