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When do you expect Canada's manufacturing sector to recover from the recession?


  • serendipitty - 16 years ago

    Anyone who has a desire to live within their means can only be deeply troubled by the current government's propensity to give tax cuts at the same time they're deeply involved in deficit financing. We've already seen EARMARKS [ US TERM FOR PORK-BARRELL ] in self-congratulatory Conservative MP press releases. In their haste to "protect their various empires" the text of the press announcements indicates they were prepared in haste without attention to the LOGIC of the PROJECT.

  • Jan - 16 years ago

    Living within means is not that difficult.

  • RAP - 16 years ago

    Paying out credit cards monthly means you can buy more. Money going to interest is available to save or buy more. Same with paying cash for vehicles, men toys etc. We have minimum 5 to 10 years of bad recession. Soon as things pick up; oil, metals and food prices will soar bringing the recovery to a halt. No investments in oil and commodities insures this. World food stocks are frighteningly low and population soars. Controlling rising CO2 levels wiil also be a drag. The automotive and energy hog "boy toy" industries will permanently shrink to a small fraction of what they are now. Housing and commercial building will do the same. We will still have reasonable living standard but the luxuries are gone for a couple of generations and maybe forever.

  • Mars - 16 years ago

    Seeing there aren't any comments--yet-- thought I would give it a -start! As long as people live beyoond their means-- this depression will take longer & longer! I could never understand how anyone can use a charge card-- if they don't have the money to pay 4 the balance at the end of month-- living within ones income--is much easier-- just have to buy needs --not wants --unless the money is avaliable. Going into debt-does not solve the problem (depression)--e.g.--Obama-- will find out --after he has spent the trillions he now has-- he hasn't done anything 2 bring in moneys 2 repelenish the coffers. Lets not go that way in Canada. So take heed -everyone!!!

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