Who will better defend Israel as president?


  • Constance Foster - 3 weeks ago

    DJT will defend Israel he was the first President to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital by moving the USA Embassy to Jerusalem. But we are living in the last days, the Bible is being fulfilled that Nations will come against Israel and we are seeing this right now. The United States under the Biden administration has shown that they are not backing Israel, the one Country who has Supported the United States in the Middle East.

  • Joan - 3 weeks ago

    This is a pointless question to ask. Obviously Trump will be a better defender of Israel.

  • Danny W - 3 weeks ago

    Can anyone name one thing that "que mala" has not just talked about, but actually done? waiting "uhh no"

  • David - 3 weeks ago

    Please don’t take this as an insult! But Duh!!

  • Constance Foster - 3 weeks ago

    DJT is the most qualified person to lead us he has shown to be a person who can be a great diplomat vs Harris does not display any real leadership skills. Our country was more successful and productive when DJT was president.

  • Andrea Rapowitz - 3 weeks ago

    DJT has proven himself to be a friend to Israel.
    The current administration has proven the opposite. Actions speak louder than words. All one has to do is compare the actions of both administrations and the answer is clear as to which one is more supportive of Israel and will provide 100% support!!

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