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Do you believe gun control is the solution to school shootings?


  • Robert Rossi - 2 weeks ago

    This is my take on these shooting. With the money this administration has spent on illegal immigration these last 4 years flying and bussing them all over our country plus feeding, medical and housing them, that money could have been spent for security in every school in this country. This blood is solely on Biden and Harris.

  • D - 2 weeks ago

    I agree with most all above comments! I knew at the start hearing this tragedy this kid was being bullied!! And the fact that authorities had knowledge of this!! They are complicit!! The dad is the one who should be charged!! This kid will be destroyed in prison as an adult!! He needed help and couldn’t get it!! Imagine the hell he was living in! No I’m not excusing his actions!! But these children are crying out and no one is paying attention!! It’s only going to get worse until people in authority and schools are aware of troubled kids and make resources available to help them privately and not making them feel as if they’re outcasts! They already feel that way! In my time boys carried their rifles in the rack in the cab of their trucks and no one EVER shot or killed anyone!! Angry yes they had issues but mostly took it out in fist fights until a teacher intervened or they worked it out in PE class! Laps on the track for instance. But nothing like we are witnessing these days! So sad!! Praying for everyone involved in this!

  • Shannon - 2 weeks ago

    Guns don’t kill people, people shooting the gun kill people!
    The people that want to kill others with a gun will find a way to get that gun no matter if it’s illegal or not. Don’t get me wrong it’s terrible all away around but there are more unlicensed firearms out there than licensed ones. I don’t own a gun but should but I’m afraid of them and if I did and was forced to use it in self defense I would be the one going to jail!!!!! That’s how this system works today sadly, especially in Minnesota

  • Kathy - 2 weeks ago

    A solution to school shootings is difficult, it is hard to understand what the shop is thinking. Armed security guards, drills on procedures to take to protect yourself and other students, report and communicate about any bullying that is taking place. We need to educate ourselves concerning what motivates a student to pick-up a gun and go to school with the intent to kill other students and staff members

  • Scott Tomlinson - 2 weeks ago

    Guns in the hands of sensible Americans is the solution.

  • Briarrose - 2 weeks ago

    Guns cannot kill without someone pulling the trigger. The problem is not guns, it’s mental illness. This kid was 10 years old during the Covid lockdowns and I’ll say that played a role in his mental instability. Add to that his horrible home life and being picked on in school and you get a screwed up kid whose parents just ignored his pleas for help. I hope the courts throw the book at the dad for buying this kid an AR 15 knowing he was mentally unstable.
    Imagine how many other kids are out there who were subjected to the isolation during the lockdowns and are now teenagers who rely on social media for everything. They are a vulnerable population. Mental illness is no joke and there needs to be better care in this country.

  • Leo - 2 weeks ago

    As a further note, parents should never allow any usage, ownership of any weapon when they ARE aware and know that their child has problems. Additinally, parents should NEVER buy any kind of weapon for their child when for the same reasons just noted. They SHOULD at all costs get their child professional help before any act of violence occurs. Parents must take responsibility for their children before they reach adulthood.

  • Lynne Loescher - 2 weeks ago

    It’s a mental health issue that is effecting our people

  • Leo - 2 weeks ago

    No because we have many gun laws already in this country. T problem is NOT the gun. When someone has it in their mind to harm, injure or kill another, they will find and use anything as a tool or instrument. A weapon can be anything used for evil such as a knife, a pipe, a bat, etc.
    It IS the mental state that causes the problem. What attributes to the problem is mental or physical abuse growing up, usage of drugs or excessive alcohol, depression and despair, being overly bullied. There are a few reasons. Also, what about the parents, role, the schools' role to address behavioral or mental red flags of a possible shooter. Parents must play an active role in discipline but also teaching their child what is acceptable behavior and what is not. They must also be INVESTED to communicate, nurture, and know what is going on with their child at all times. IF a child for example stays only to himself and never comes out of his room or never participates in activities or anything going on within the family, friends or even school mates this could well be a red flag. As well as what type of web sources their phone and computer usage shows.

  • Constance Foster - 2 weeks ago

    Correction that young boys are NOT able to get their hands on any gun.

  • Constance Foster - 2 weeks ago

    What needs to be done is good background check, especially when a person exhibits mental illness, for example this boy, had a history of being bullied, and if the authorities had followed up with what they suspected this would not have happened. Also making sure young boys are able to get their hands on any guns. Put guns in secure places where children cannot get them. It’s time to take a serious look at the Mental Health Crisis that is affecting our children.

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