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Did Kamala perform better than you expected at the debate?


  • SB - 6 days ago

    I don’t consider what was broadcast as being a debate. It was a character assassination. Nothing changed my mind on how to vote. Kamala really needs to talk about what SHE intends to do and HOW. I’m smart enough to see thru all the BS. Stop voting for looks, personality or gender. Vote for someone honest who will make the country better. Do your homework. Don’t go by what others are saying good or bad. Do your own research on both candidates so you can vote in an intelligent manner. Voting for a party instead of an individual is easy to do but does it make your life better?

  • Debbie - 2 weeks ago

    Hi DML, She was coached for days befor the debate. It’s almost as if someone was talking in her ear. Her acting was terrible. You could see right through her lies. They had no problem fact checking Trump, but never fact checked Harris. This woman is a disaster! I don’t believe a word she says. Ih and putting her hand on her chin w/ that bating BS. I’m so glad that Trump never looked at her. It makes me sick to my stomach just washer trying to act. I wonder who gave her those acting lessons?

    I hope people are not fooled. I remember that Trump wanted to have 3 debates with her, but she only wanted this one. Now, all of a sudden, she wants another debate. Well now the ball is in Trumps court. If she wants another debate, it has to be on his terms this time. He should pick the news station & the 2 interviewers. If she declines, oh well, then he doesn’t do another debate. Oh, & they’ll have something to say about that too.

    Best, Deb

  • Joseph Brasher - 2 weeks ago

    All she did was lie. That's all they do. Everything she said was from Trumps playbook. They have nothing because they are nothing!

  • Darcy - 2 weeks ago

    He was definitely outnumbered … all she did was attack him the whole time by regurgitating all the Democrat lies about him. She didn’t like it when he told people that her father was a Marxist professor. He really needs to expound on her Marxist/Communist/Socialist beliefs! All her give away plans WILL hurt the middle class - they will take our money (taxes) to pay for them. They need to ASK her point blank her REASON for opening up our border and inviting an invasion by our sworn enemies. (And MAKE her answer it)! It is not a matter of IF we get attacked from within, but WHEN)! ALL SO THEY CAN STAY IN CONTROL. (They’ll sell us out to the world so they can get the votes). They complain about there being a shortage of housing etc. and yet they import millions more people?! Insanity!! If you don’t want to see this country sink into full blown communism, then you better vote for someone who loves this country and its people (and has lost millions of dollars in made up law suits, almost his life, and never took money while serving as President)! Is he polished? No. Is he a man of deep patriotic conviction? YES!! We need Donald J. Trump in the Oval Office again. Lord help it be so.

  • Jeannie - 2 weeks ago

    All she did was lie after lie after lie about Trump. That pissed Trump off and he had to defend himself. That bitch is such a POS. Watching it really made me mad.

  • Elzbieta - 2 weeks ago

    The whole time I was picturing her sitting in on a G7 or other international conference, or meeting with someone like Putin, smirking or giggling or eye-rolling or gesturing.
    That would make a huge impression and work to our benefit ????????.

  • Julie - 2 weeks ago

    A performance alright mere acting if you call it that I’m sure those earrings had a voice giving her answers

  • Betty - 2 weeks ago

    Harris talked the talk but she won’t walk the walk. Her debate coach possibly had the questions that would be asked and maybe her earrings held a microphone. Regardless, Trump won with his closing statement. PERIOD.

  • Louise - 2 weeks ago

    Results and cost of living are what matter to me.
    This whole
    bye-bye den admin of over 3 1/2 years has run the economy into the toilet.
    Trump is correct. Kommi harris has done zero to help improve the standard of living for real US citizens.
    The streets and big cities are overrun with murder, crime, and garbage.
    The government is headed to bankruptcy because of their handouts and war fund efforts .
    We have to be bothered seeing the trans community( less than 1 percent of the population) be put on display in the MSM.
    Plus, parents get heat to have their first graders learn all about the lbgtq bunch sex acts.
    Kommi Harris was coached for 2 solid weeks to perform last evening.
    She and Joe are on vacation more than 60 percent of the time.
    She's been off the circuit, given only one interview with the assistant coach Tim, and had done no press releases.
    Trump has been out in the trenches , took a bullet, and has been speaking to the country's citizens rally to rally.
    I could care less what a Swifty thinks.
    Taylor swift has changed boyfriends like changing her panties. I would not say she is anything other than a good performer with a great marketing team.
    Heaven help us to avoid another 4 years of socialism, a poor economy, high crime, illegals and sex change nonsense.
    We need the help from above!

  • ChaMar - 2 weeks ago

    She did not do better she lied and was unprofessional, that rolling eyes is not for a person who wants to be the commander in chief. On the other side the media is in her side they can’t be impartial, of course they will said she won the debate. The moderators were on her side too so I won’t be surprise they handled the questions before the debate. She is a person who lies all the time and we all know that. Also that facts check on Trump and not on her says it all. Democrats, media and moderators were all on her side and will also lie for her! She did not won the debate they handle it to her! No surprise at all!

  • John - 2 weeks ago

    As the previous days poll my prediction was correct the ABC moderators proved to be assisting komrsd Kamala AKA Hoebama continuing to fact check trump at every turn never checking or correcting Hoebama once again journalistic malpractice David Muir feels it is their duty to be Pravda

  • Crystal White - 2 weeks ago

    She still didn’t answer a question on what she stands for or how she will make this country better

  • Jerry Wyatt - 2 weeks ago

    She did exactly as i expected. Trump walked bravely into a trap. He did an excellent job considering the moderators were running interference for her.

  • Cork - 2 weeks ago

    The Dems did it again! Right before the debate what does ABC do, have on Donna Brazil. Remember her performance in the past? She had access to the questions prior and I believe she did it again. Harris doesn't have the capability to answer or talk like that in real life. I was disappointed with President Trumps performance for it was a time for him to let the people know what he plans to do to negate what the dems have done to our great nation.

  • David Sims - 2 weeks ago

    She was honed to trigger Trump. SHE was practiced in using sneer, eye roll , Legend lies, belittling to put down and avoid actual andwer. Haute and despising without ever giving facts of actual positions. Smooth operation to appear more in sync and in charge... unchecked use of debunked chargesi that I think will serve a strong leverage to hijack plenty of nonthinkers. Absolute chasm between actual record and recent reversals of claims. Trump missed several crucial opportunities to hammer her devastating record, emphasize their onus of de-activatingc his executive orders protecting our borders

  • Deb - 2 weeks ago

    I could only listen because she made me puke!

  • Dafny Hawk - 2 weeks ago

    She didn’t do better. She lied all the way through the debate. She had no substance to any “question” that was tossed to her. 3 against 1, what a crock!! But wasn’t surprised with the ABC moderators behavior.

  • Concerned citizen - 2 weeks ago

    She was well coached, Trump should have brought up a lot about her raising taxes, and kept up on the spending they are spending on the illegals, that could have helped many of our own people. They are not concerned out helping the people that pay their taxes, that has lost everything they had. It’s a shame that people can’t see what the Democrats are doing. But when they are voted in they forget about the people, and they want to turn this country into socialism, and a communist country. Then watch them yell because that is what they are voting for.when they start living this nightmare watch them yell for help. Where’re all going to go through this even though we didn’t vote for it. If you have the money I would say move out of this country, as it is only going to get worse. GOD BLESS US ALL IF SHE IS VOTED IN.

  • Fred - 2 weeks ago

    She was disgusting. Only thing she did was snort and lie. And not thing she did was bring up disbunked lies. She had no message except hate Trump. Notice she never answered one question

  • Duane - 2 weeks ago

    It’s evident that she was well rehearsed and coached for this debate and was able to put more than garbled inconsistencies out of her mouth

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