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Should Trump commit to a second debate with Kamala?


  • Shirley Blanchard - 1 week ago

    I personally didn’t think Trump would go with a 2nd debate, but it may be favorable for him. This is unheard of, but what about having 2 moderators, one leftist and one conservative? Also, what could Kamala offer the second time, the same old lies and criticism again; the people would think, not again. She would have nothing good to offer about Biden/Harris administration,as well, except the same old lies. On the other hand, Trump would have the benefit of cleaning up his opportunities beforehand to comeback focused on the truth as DML suggested in his morning after debate podcast. Also, she should not be allowed to wear an earpiece, if that were true in the first debate. How incompetent is that? That should be a strike agains her to start with.

  • Lucille - 1 week ago

    Trump should not have another debate unless it is on NewsMax or FOX news. The debate moderators on the mainstream media were fact checking Trump’s responses and not Kamala’s lies. Republicans should stop playing by the Democrats rules and not encourage him to engage in another debate moderated by biased so called journalists.

  • Nancy - 1 week ago

    I don’t believe Trump should give any news outlet one more minute of his time in another debate with Harris! She is a toxic flirtatious liar and supported by biased opinionated liars who call themselves journalists. He could win by being himself wearing a MAGA hat and shaking the hands of Americans that understand how much he loves this country with no hidden agendas! President Trump is in God’s hands and Thy Will Be Done!

  • Diane - 1 week ago

    Trump needs a debate on Newsmax with Greg Kelly or Real America News with Charlie Kirk. Enough of the biased leftist MSM outlets.
    OR Trump being questioned about his policies and how he is going to get America back on track. He needs to be focussed on important work issues affecting all Americans not the leftists going back in time with J6, abortion, and false statements never said by President Trump.

  • Darcy - 1 week ago

    I totally agree with Trump debating again ONLY with NewsMax or Fox moderators … the libs have had enough headway with liberal pro-Harris moderators walking her through them. And they need to keep coming back to the question and not move on till she answers it !! She dances all around, never answering the question - PIN her down till she does! Trump should be able to pick the next debate criteria - he has given them two already that were total set ups for Dems. Or as someone stated, do a Town Hall mtg!

  • KC - 1 week ago

    Only on his terms and only his terms.

  • Kathy - 1 week ago

    I would like to see President Trump do a video, just him talking to us. NO NEWS MEDIA-Just President Trump, explaining why we need a strong President, what needs to be done to stop our country from being taken over by illegal immigrants. And why he wants to Our President. Just him taking to us.

  • Harriet - 1 week ago

    Only if DML preps him for the debate !!

  • Pat - 1 week ago

    Only if it is done on Fox, Newsmax, or conservative outlet. Enough of the liberal biased news outlets. Can bet Harris will not agree to debate on a conservative site.

  • Brenda Martorell Chavez - 1 week ago

    I voted No because this debate was not fair. The moderators are liberal as well as ABC, and pretty sure she had the questions in advance. Only if it is done in an impartial network with conservatives moderators. This debate was a joke and Kamala and the moderators the clowns. Let’s get one debate in a neutral place with neutral moderators!

  • Elzbieta - 1 week ago

    Only if he can select moderators who aren’t liberal.
    Preferably this should be a town hall forum. Preferably in an area heavily impacted by inflation and immigration.

  • Linda Jackson - 1 week ago

    Another debate on FOX would be awesome! She had her glory with ABC in her pocket and her long time friend at ABC. Let DML moderate. That would be awesome!

  • Sally Doherty - 1 week ago

    No, he shouldn’t commit to a 2nd debate. She’ll take his ideas and reiterate them on her own platform (ie. no tax on tips, close the border). Trump recognizes this. He even offered her a MAGA hat. She’s like a spy. You can’t trust her.

  • RHonda Hungerford - 1 week ago

    Trump is not a good orator and has never been. He is not a slick-tongued polished politician. That’s one reason I voted for him the first time. I was tired of meaningless political rhetoric spewed by the politically elite. Trump does not have the vocabulary, control, or finesse to debate well. That does not mean he will not be a good President; his policy and business savvy is his strong suit. He misses so many opportunities to make points in debates. It’s like his emotions lock up his ability to think and he becomes defensive and he’s all over the place with answers. Kamala was the better debater. She was controlled, practiced, and pivoted well to different subjects, and answered whatever she wanted and didn’t answer what she didn’t want to. She was the typical politically groomed politician. Trump could have demolished her on so many points, but he missed out. It wasn’t exactly a fair debate, but even in a fair debate, Trump’s speaking skills are questionable. A debate stage is not his best venue. I say no to a future debate.

  • Mike - 1 week ago

    On Newsmax with Greg Kelly and Chris Salsato .

  • Sheila - 1 week ago

    Yes but with Fox News

  • Chris - 1 week ago

    With dml or fox

  • gc - 1 week ago

    No. This was the same tactics they used in 2016.
    He was President and he stands on his record, period.
    Never mind he has already debated one presidential candidate , now another from the Dems. Is there a third?.

  • Kathy - 1 week ago

    I don't think another debate would be helpful. I would have preferred to hear Trump policies from Trump and Harris policies from Harris. No one spoke on how they plan to implement the policies, and that is a big part of how the administration will run. I will have to decide on past performance. Also, it was apparent to me that Harris only wanted to rattle Trump because that is where she directed her comments (no answers to the ?s), not to the American people.

  • Dave - 1 week ago

    Absolutely agree with another debate if it is not a biased hit job. I'm so tired of the MSM DEM and government propaganda outlets. The next outlet should have a segment in the beginning of the debate that replays the biased media pieces, then has the debate and show how real unbiased journalism is done, the a fact check segment from the debate. Our country is currently run by Constitution haters that are trying everything to bring it down and install Marxism. It is an awful time in American history.

  • Helen - 1 week ago

    Not on NBC. If she agrees to Fox or Newsmax then yes. The unfairness was so evident that he shouldn’t put himself through another debate with MSM.

  • Barbara Waskey - 1 week ago

    Harris wouldn't go to the Sept 4th debate because she preferred a left leaning moderators who would help her...Trump did well considering it was 3 against 1. I agree with some of the other comments...depending on a fair debate. Ultimately it is Trumps decision, they both have a track record
    Harris, will not change and we all were better off under President Trump presidency.

  • Pete Bellantoni Jr - 1 week ago

    Yes. The only way it would be done is to have it on fox. Have Trump pick 2 and Harris pick 2 of their choices otherwise it won't happen.

  • MTMOMMA - 1 week ago

    Only if he gets to pick the network. One friendly to republicans . I would like to see it on another platform like twitter with DML TUCKER OR GLENN BECK, heck even Elon. Or News Nation otherwise I’m not sure. I think he should have pushed her on some of his answers. The border czar, economy, stuff she doesn’t want to answer plus the news casters need to push her for a answer not let her dodge like this debate. Trump got a little riled up which she wanted but if he’s filled his obligation then why bother. I honestly think people have already decided who they will vote for . Democrats are voting for her and from what I watched yesterday I think on Fox where they had reactions in real time independents were going with the republicans. How many people were able to do this I don’t know but it was interesting how it went

  • Jodi - 1 week ago

    Yes but only if he picks the who, when and where !!!!

  • Kay - 1 week ago

    Only on Newsmax And he has to approve moderators. Demonrats have picked the people / channel twice. The debate on ABC was beyond belief a set up in Kackles favor!

  • Paige - 1 week ago

    I feel he has to do another debate and be better prepared. He was set up and did not do well based on the tactics of Harris and the moderators. He needs a chance to get his policy ideas across.

  • Frank K - 1 week ago

    Yes, but only if on Fox or if he gets to choose one of the 2 moderators.

  • nell - 1 week ago

    every debate held been so unfair to trump, it’s evident that if another debate be held only at newsmax, with our chosen mediators, and Harris be checked for no hidden microphones or hearing aids to help her cheat, also questions to be used be change as she comes on stage , so she does not use any she’s rehearsed !!

  • nell - 1 week ago

    every debate held been so unfair to trump, it’s evident that if another debate be held only at newsmax, with our chosen mediators, and Harris be checked for no hidden microphones or hearing aids to help her cheat, also questions to be used be change as she comes on stage , so she does not use any she’s rehearsed !!

  • Janice - 1 week ago

    Only on an unbiased network where he has a fair chance at only having to debate Harris. Newsmax or Fox News. Three against one should never have happened!

  • Linda - 1 week ago

    It was so fixed. 3 against 1 and she had the questions in advance. Also she wore earpiece earrings for answers to any questions.

  • Jeff - 1 week ago

    Only if it's done on a friendly network like Newsmax.
    He has nothing more to prove by always going on unfriendly channels

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