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In the past two years, have you carried your paper medical records from one provider to another? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 274

  • HISJunkie - 4 months ago

    I also had a pdf copy on a thumb drive but they said they couldn't/wouldn't read it.
    They still wanted me to answer all the medical intake questions on their form. So when it asked me to list "any allergies, surgeries, etc" I wrote in "see attached page #". I don't think they liked that...

  • Pediatric_Patient - 4 months ago

    I recently sent PDFs of the surgical notes from when I was a child (25 years ago) to a new OT/PT team I am working with.
    They did not ask for that specifically, but I thought it may be helpful to them. So, not paper specifically, but I did need to be the conduit between some electronic systems.

  • Marshall - 4 months ago

    The paper medical record I carried was my own list I keep on a Word document, dating back to the 90's. I find it benefits me when asked about certain items, such as when I last had a colonoscopy or when I was diagnosed with a certain issue ....

  • HITMom - 4 months ago

    We were able to work with 3 separate health systems when we had a medical emergency. 3 systems in one week. All 3 used Epic.

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