Do you believe there will be more assassination attempts until Election Day?


  • Judy T - 2 days ago

    Sadly and unfortunately yes. They won't stop until he's gone. I don't trust the Secret Service anymore. I think Trump should get rid of them and hire/vet his own security for himself and his whole family.

  • Kathy - 3 days ago

    I certainly believe this will continue both prior to the election and during his presidency. It is the only way the dems have to get him out of the way. If he can proceed with investigations leading to indictments and prosecutions of everyone that has been involved with treason of any kind or bringing down America in any way, there should be lots of people in orange jumpsuits!

  • Wendy Dederick - 3 days ago

    Absolutely! I think they’ll keep trying until they succeed, sadly. They don’t want him to be president, and will do everything possible to prevent DJT from taking office or to limit the time he serves.

  • Doreen Schmitt - 3 days ago

    Absolutely. And even during his presidency

  • Terri - 3 days ago

    Yes the deep state will do all they can to take down Trump as well as crazy people that hate him so much!

  • Tammy - 3 days ago

    because the deep state is not going to go down without a fight and Trump elected means the go down !!! FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT PATRIOTS AND PRAY PRAY PRAY !!

  • Shirley Blanchard - 3 days ago

    Before and after!

  • Audrey Lamar - 3 days ago

    I said yes. Because unfortunately there are so many people who are hateful, mentally challenged and believe all the things the main stream media and what the top democrats are saying about President Trump or I believe anyone that would run under the Republican party. The Democratic party is not the same is what it used to be.

  • Constance Foster - 3 days ago


  • Gail R - 3 days ago

    The left hates Donald Trump so much that they will never stop trying to destroy this man at any cost! They are so evil

  • Briarrose - 3 days ago

    It’s so unfortunate that there is so much hate in this country for one man. The government machine is so corrupt. This a..hole needs to be interrogated to the fullest extent of the law. Put him in a room and squeeze him for who hired him. This whole thing stinks. It’s an inside job. Wouldn’t be surprised if the Clinton’s were behind this.

  • Constance Foster - 3 days ago

    I believe that President Trump is and will continue to be in danger of someone trying to assassinate him. The Russian Collusion lie started by Hillary Clinton in 2016 which was throughout his presidency and she was held accountable for it. Now this he really need to have more Secret Service agents guarding him at all times.

  • Lorraine Dolence - 3 days ago

    I don't think they will ever stop.

  • Alyce Larson - 3 days ago

    Unfortunately, thanks to our liberal and lying propaganda machine, aka, the lying media, there are a lot of deranged haters who believe the garbage Bring spewed by said media. Couple that with the money in the hands of evil (think Soros/Obama) and the confusing frenzy continues. I remember when news was simply the reporting of facts.

  • Rita Urban - 3 days ago

    I read a lot of comments from people posting on sm yesterday.
    It is so sad how many people want this man gone. I have never wished anything bad in JB or KH even though I can’t even stand to watch them.
    Evil has definitely ramped up in this world.
    Also the haters think this division stems from DT because of J6. But they don’t hear the cruelty spewing out of the mouth if Dems. Unbelievable!
    Prayers for PT now and always

  • Vaughn - 3 days ago

    I voted unsure because I pray that this won’t happen again. These are some horrible people to try to do this to anyone. ???? GOD Bless and protect TRUMP ✝️????????

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