Do celebrity endorsements matter in presidential elections?


  • Angela - 12 minutes ago

    I say 1 vote per voter, so for me who cares? Unfortunately not for older shut ins & couch potatoes in general. What some movie star says is the gospel. With hollyweird being all about glitz n glamor, it matters even more to the wanna-be’s & young voters. If you are conservative you loose your job if you even make a peep, thus no endorsement.
    If the evangelicals could/would preach to their congregation to NOT be BURY THEIR HEAD IN THE SAND & GO VOTE, we might have a chance. Big if…

  • TinaBeana - 39 minutes ago

    Celebrity endorsements don’t matter at all to me. However, for a large segment of the population they do matter. I voted “yes” because of that.

  • Brenda J Johnson - 1 hour ago

    Only with true morons

  • Jeff - 1 hour ago

    Only to mental midgets.

  • Kim - 1 hour ago

    Not to me but the uninformed & starstruck believe these people are special. I think they’re out of touch .

  • Pete Bellantoni Jr - 2 hours ago

    Not for me but When Obama became president it was because of Oprah.

  • Susan - 2 hours ago

    Their opinion doesn't matter to me, unfortunately there are many people who do care what they think

  • Constance Foster - 2 hours ago

    As far as I am concerned it does not matter, if the person in office is /is not doing their job that is the criteria for voting or not voting for them.

  • Linda - 2 hours ago

    Americans are lazy voters. Many fail to take this seriously which is very sad. They are joiners rather than leaders. This coming election is all important, people do the research, think for yourself.

  • D K - 3 hours ago

    They shouldn't. Unfortunately, there are way too many people that think celebrities,and what they say and do, are more important than anyone else. As a nation, we need to work on knocking down celebrity status.

  • Linda - 3 hours ago

    Only matter to the low information voters so unfortunately many swiftness fall into that category

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