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Which action would be most effective in improving the health and welfare of US citizens?

Total Votes: 200

  • Unpopular Opinion - 7 hours ago

    The most ineffective industries in America with the least innovation are the ones with the most government regulation. How much money is spent to feed the machine of bureaucracy rather than going directly to the cost of care.

  • JT - yesterday

    As with any business, I would also add ‘make it easy for customers (i.e. patients) to do business with you. That includes access to providers and appointments quickly, affordable Rx and other treatments, availability of health navigators (insurance, specialists, therapeutic modalities, alternative modalities, etc. etc.) We make it very difficult for patients to ‘get well’ in this country. That’s cray-cray!

  • Holly - yesterday

    You left out the revamping of our food supply
    Chemicals in our food, illegal in other countries, are causing obesity, chronic inflammation and heart disease
    Good nutrition enables good health

  • Bill Spooner - yesterday

    You omitted some important options:
    Eliminate the lobbyists and other means of messing up meaningful reform
    Reform malpractice to minimize the CYA documentation
    Enforce 1099 filing so 501-c3’s are more transparent
    Require Boards to demand ROI accountability for major investments

  • Dan - yesterday

    I would add, remove the barriers between health and human services

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