If you were a public employee, would you vote to freeze your pay?


  • Truth - 16 years ago

    Well Reese, if you parents have not received a wage increase since 2000 there way be a problem with there work .... Come on 9 years, please!

  • reese - 16 years ago

    There should be a wage freeze for public employees. Just because the cost of everything is going up doesn't mean public employees should get raises. My parents both work in the private sector and the last time they each got a raise was back in 2000 and they've been working at their respective companies for almost 20 years, each. It isn't fair if public employees get raises and the private sector employees get nothing.

  • Sandra - 16 years ago

    I am a public employee. Do not belong to a union. I DO NOT expect a pay raise this year. I feel very lucky that I have a job. Lots of people don't!

  • auntiewrap - 16 years ago

    Why shouldn't city/town workers get a raise - I work in the financial industry and we (along with other firms in the industry) were TOLD there wouldn't be any raises - all's fair across the board!

  • fed_up1022 - 16 years ago

    No, I don't think that there should be a wage freeze nor do I believe that people should take a cut in pay or vacations without pay to avoid lay-offs. I believe that company's should get rid of the dead weight employees who don't do their jobs, or who are always screwing up and are always calling in sick for one reason or another.

    There are way too many hacks out there working for the state that don't do anything and we the tax payer's have to put up with it.

    I think that it is time for the State to "clean house!"

  • Firemans Wife - 16 years ago

    10% Percent? No public employee gets such an increase. My husband has been without a contract for 3 years. No contract, no increase. The cost of everything around us goes up, however my husband still makes the same. No one in the private sector would agree to no raise, why should public employees. Everyone seems to forget that public employees are tax payers as well, if they are essentially paying there own salary why aren't they entitled to a raise.

  • MM - 16 years ago

    Come on people. The private sector has been doing this for years. I think the last time I got a 10% raise was back in the '80's. I'm lucky if I see 2/3%. Suck it up, like the rest of us have.

  • larryfine - 16 years ago

    The problem is they will not be fair. Cops and firefighters can not strike. They have no power when it comes to negotiating a contract with the city. Promises made by city officials that they (Quincy Patrolmans Association) will be taken care of in the future should not be believed. You will not have details. You will not have overtime. You will not have a fair living wage. You will need to find a second or third job. Good Luck...

  • xfranman - 16 years ago

    Quincy needs wage freezes now because property tax rates are causing enormous pain particularly to long time home owners on fixed incomes. But it's also important that we remember who helped us out when we were in need. When the city is on it's feet and the economy is back - and it will be - city negotiators and especially her citizens will have a moral obligation to be fair, even generous, to our public employees.

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