Will Kamala's border trip help her image and campaign?


  • Christine - 8 minutes ago

    She is way out of her league. I don't think though that she has a clue as to what she needs to do in order to win this election. The lies for over the last four years have now been exposed she can't undo them. The woman is empty.

  • Harriet Seacha - 1 hour ago

    No !! Unless they’re clueless like she is !!!!

  • Jody - 2 hours ago

    If anything, it has made her more of a hypocrite than she already was… if that’s possible. Kamala Harris, is as much of an embarrassment as Joe Biden. She doesn’t have a clue as to what she is doing, nor does she have any idea as to what is going on around the world. It’s embarrassing that she even thinks going to the border will help her image. Her image exudes ineptness. There are countries around the world that would love nothing better than to destroy the United States and our border Tsar, Kamala Harris, has the door wide open to allow this to happen. All Kamala cares about is women being able to get an abortion. As our country crumbles around us, Kamala goes to the border for her first visit… I think to party with those who have just invaded our country. Whose safety is she really watching out for???? Certainly not yours, as she couldn’t care less. Russia and China are praying Kamala wins the election, because if she is in control, our country will be easy to take over. It won’t matter if abortions are legal or not. Kamala has not excelled at any job she has ever had. Her staff has had a turnover as fast as those coming across the border, because she’s such a €}%¥ to work for. That should tell us something. Kamala was chosen by Joe as his running mate, because she checked all the DEI boxes. See what happens when you hire by checking all the boxes! Disaster! This giggle box needs to be sent packing back to California…. forever.

  • Dagmar - 2 hours ago

    Kamala has had 3 1/2 years to go close the border. She hasn't done anything for those years besides laughing like a crazy woman. I don't understand that any normal and thinking person could even consider voting for her. She didn't get even 2 % from her own party when she was running for president before. What are her plans? I haven't heard anything yet. What can she run on? NOTHING! She has 100 % agreed with Bidens/Obama policies. Done nothing on her own and lies about the condition of our mentally reclining president, who isn't even running this country!

  • tammy - 2 hours ago

    this poll should have had a laughing imoji ????????????

  • John - 3 hours ago

    Que the misinformation ad of how she is fixing the problem with the border and orange man created the problem and the maga people have made it worse......it will not move one vote but the coverage from Pravda will be so adoring of Kamala AKA Hoebama

  • Dawn - 3 hours ago

    I indicated that it will increase her ratings only because our corrupt media will endorse everything that she does…especially this close to election. ????????

  • D K - 3 hours ago

    In our eyes, nothing will help her, but we aren't the people that any of us have to worry about. We are not leaving Trump. The undecided voters, the first-time voters, the occassional voters, and the flip-flopping voters are the people that need to be targeted. Pretty sure loyal Democrats and Republicans won't be changing their minds.

  • Linda - 4 hours ago

    It’s time for the people to wake up and send her packing. She’s had over 3 years to do something and all she did was cackle

  • Emily Siwek - 4 hours ago

    Kamala has had 3 years to go to the border and close the border, but she didn’t do it. I hope today’s visit will open her eyes to see what the Biden Harris administration has done to allow millions to illegals to come into our country.

  • Charlie - 5 hours ago

    Little too late Madam Bice President! Wake up people? Is abortion more important to you than the security of your Country???

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