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The concessions CAW workers are offering in the hopes of securing a bailout are:


  • pete e - 15 years ago

    A token effort by the union to save their industry deserves token support funding from the government.

  • CC - 15 years ago

    So we're still placing the the blame on the backs of the workers. Not the scads of millions of dollars put in the pockets of the elite executives - of a few, as opposed to a semi-decent living of many.
    Not the millions of dollars paid to the relatives of dead rock stars, or old rock stars, to pimp their music to sell a ride.
    Blame those of the lower to middle class - make them suffer so a few can remain rich. The ones who didn't take the time or energy to see that people actually wanted more gas efficient vehicles instead of the gas-guzzling monsters they produced.
    They obviously read the market wrong, and made mistake over mistake, and still stand or will walk away like kings.
    But no - its the fault of the evil unions and the people who are members of them. Oh yes, the devil they are.
    And just watch what happens to everyone in society when thousands of them are no longer working. Oh, the spinoffs, then.

  • minaka - 15 years ago

    Together, labor and management have strangled their once golden goose by a) workers using strikes to ratchet up wages and benefits to twice what the job is worth and b) management caving in to the point that they can't sell enough cars at a profit anymore. As Mark Steyn commented, the Big Three are giant pension and health programs with a now unprofitable sideline of making cars.

    Tax monies should not be wasted sustaining systems of greedyguts and incompetents who at their level of income should have a better financial cushion than non-unionized citizens who are suffering more financially and are not the authors of their own misfortune. Government should help those who have not been overpaid previously.

  • cjborg - 15 years ago

    While I think that UAW have really not crificed very much in light of the serious situation their industry is in, I do think that the current management positions and salaries should be reduced drastically. Most of the current management... I.e. Presidents. CEO, VP and several immediate lower levels..... given their walking papers (without parachutes, bonuses or unfair severance packages...)

    Bankruptcy may perhaps be the only way to get this industry back on its feet. (It seems to have finally worked for Steel and other industrial areas...)

  • wayne moores - 15 years ago

    I have watched the CAW leadership destroy other non automobile companies bravely shouting that the "evil company" was not going to survive "on the backs" of the workers. Sure enough, they didn't. The company shuttered the doors, the workers all lost their jobs while the union kept collecting outragous union dues right until the end. Ya, that showed 'em. Cheers.

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