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Is President Obama right in allowing expanded federal funding of embryonic stem cell research? (Poll Closed)


  • ScorpioGG - 16 years ago

    Well said, Cosmic Surfer.

    As the poll stands right now, it's 50-50. Which isn't bad for this area. Times and attitudes are changing.

  • Cosmic Surfer - 16 years ago

    The idea that "Pres. Obama is going against all the American people who voted on this issue... ' is absurd....
    1. IT was Never put to a vote by the population and the vote by the senate in 2007 PASSED;
    2. The MAJORITY of the people in this country SUPPORTED this research. June 26, 2001, 66.6% of Americans agree with use of public funds for Stem Cell resarch (ABC poll) - Feb, 2009 Gallup's survey found that 52 percent wanted to see more funding, including 39 percent of Republicans and 64 percent of Democrats - Rasmussen for the same period found 70 percent believed the research had the potential to cure a previously incurable disease, and just 29 percent said it was morally wrong.... it is the overly vocal religious right that didn't want it because they woudl rather see a blastocyst get buried than support research that could help millions from diabetics to cancer patients, from brain injuries to paralysis and spinal cord injuries.

    I have such a hard time wrapping my head around the concept that those who scream the loudest calling them selves "right to life" would condemn nearly everyone and everything to death from women to polar bears, but a multi-celled blastocyst that is not going to survive is sacrosanct and must be given last rights before it is flushed

  • janet deboer - 16 years ago

    I think President Obama made a great decision. We are very fortunate to have a thoughtful intelligent president who makes decision based on science, not religion. I hope that all the people opposed will keep the "holier than thou " attitude when their family member has a spinal cord injury, parkinsons dieease or juvenile diabetes. Oh by the way don't participate in in vitro fertilization. you don't want to freeze your embryos for ever, or incinerate them when you are done. hipocrits !

  • Chuck D - 16 years ago

    There has been federal funding for embryonic stem cell research for a long time in other countries with NOTHING to show. We are on the verge of breakthroughs in the area of adult stem cell research but that will now be halted because the free money will be in embryonic. This truly sets the medical research back about 10 years. It's a purely political move.

  • Katie S - 16 years ago

    Pres. Obama is going against all the American people who voted on this issue... whatever happened to "all votes count"? He is explicitly going against every American who voted against stem cell research... how does he get off doing this? What has happened to the UNITED States of America that I grew up in?

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