What's a fair sentence for Bernie Madoff, about to plead guilty on 11 counts including money laundering, perjury and fraud?

1 Comment

  • sltraightarrow - 16 years ago

    When killers get 7 years, out in 3, it seems a lot hypocritical to give a conman a stiffer sentence. Unless of course the killer wears a badge, then he gets a paid vacation while the department determines he acted "within policy. At least the conman had the cooperation of his victims.

    When the guy who robs the mom and pop store with a deadly weapon gets a suspended sentence, even though he may have destroyed the dreams and ambitions of the owners and employees, it seems a lot hypocritical to raise the level of punishment because Madoff stole from "important" people. Even though he didn't use deadly threat to so so.

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