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Do you support Melania Trump's statement on abortion?


  • Linda Berry - 2 months ago

    My problem is that it is NOT the woman’s body the choice is being made about. There is a human baby growing in the woman’s body. That’s whose choice, whose life, is being violated with abortion. That living, growing, human child is being MURDERED with an abortion ‼️
    Of course there are extreme situations where abortion is warranted. However, With those the time limit must be weeks, NOT months, and NOT ever full term, for an abortion.

  • John - 2 months ago

    Her opinion is her opinion and she is entitled to have an opinion whether you like her opinion or not and guess what her right to articulate her opinion is part of the foundation of America particular to be listed in the first article of basics of America

  • Cindy Chartier - 2 months ago

    I am saddened by anyone thinking abortion is OK! She has her right to her own opinion and differs from her husband’s! I believe that the CHOICE made should be BEFORE the child is conceived! It is NOT the woman’s body…it is an entirely separate living human being that GOD has wanted to be conceived. If it were HER body…then she would be dead in the abortion too!

  • Douglas W Thomle - 2 months ago

    I think the right to make the choice comes with a responsibility. That choice should be made prior to conception. I think far too many people ( men and women) do not take that responsibility seriously and use abortion as a way to excape that responsibility for having created a life. I would like to see people be more responsible with their bodies. Life is a precious gift. I know a survivor of a third trimester saline abortion who like me has Cerebral Palsy because of it. Her suffering was needless but she is thankful for her life.

  • Douglas W Thomle - 2 months ago

    I thing the right to make the choice comes with a responsibility. That choice should be made prior to conception. I think far too many people ( men and women) do not take that responsibility seriously and use abortion as a way to excape that responsibility for having created a life. I would like to see people be more responsible with their bodies. Life is a precious gift. I know a survivor of a third trimester saline abortion who like me has Cerebral Palsy because of it. Her suffering was needless but she is thankful for her life.

  • Denise - 2 months ago

    I support her right to her own opinion even if it does not align with her husbands. Her timing could have been a little better but I don’t agree with everything my husband believes either. I don’t agree with her but she is entitled to her own opinion.

  • jul - 2 months ago

    I feel that abortion and politics should not be on the same table. Abortion is between a doctor and a patient. Should not be a government issue or anybody else who has an opinion except for said woman and dr Government already has too much control of our lives and I don’t care about anybody else’s opinions either they don’t matter

  • Lavay Miller - 2 months ago

    I am a Trump supporter but am also pro choice and have been my entire life (now 81). However, I do feel that 12-15 weeks is long enough to make the decision to terminate.

  • Cathy - 2 months ago

    I am pro life. I liked what Trump said about it and he is the candidate, not Melania. He told her that she should write what she felt. She has the right to her beliefs and should be honest about them.

  • Gale miller - 2 months ago

    I made a comment before I thought this out. I’ve discussed it with my husband. Her husband standing by her and her making the vague statement I think is going to turn around some voters that think that she does absolutely everything she’s told that she is not her own person and that she does not have a mind of her own. I’m thinking in the book she explains more on how she feels that there are certain exceptions. So my answer has changed. I still think if he loses this election, it will be catastrophic. I don’t know how it could be fixed after this and the elections will not be free and fair if they lose this is popular as he is. So I’m thinking that her coming out and him standing by her is actually a good thing .

  • Kimberly Ison - 2 months ago

    I happen to be. Christian that believes in pro- life but do think exceptions of rape, incest and health of mother should be allowed as a forgivable necessity! I agree with others that too many are abusing this choice as a means of birth control and some women have had as many as 20 plus, so there definitely needs to have stipulations that prevention at all cost needs to be promoted first, after all, this is murder! Melania’s timing and stance to not include prevention stunned me needless to say!

  • Kelly - 2 months ago

    I am just disappointed, that is all. Years ago I was pro choice, then it was being used as birth control. Oops, get rid of this one, and the next one and all the ones I get pregnant with because I’m too stupid to use birth control. I hope they are greeted by all those precious souls when they meet their maker. Rape, incest and the life of the mother should be the exceptions. Everyone else use birth control or keep your damn legs closed.

  • Audrey Lamar - 2 months ago

    I don't support. But she is not the one running for President and she is entitled to her own beliefs.
    Just like I believe life begins life begins conception. And I don't believe anyone has a right to kill a miracle from God. BUT that being said, I am not changing my vote. 1.She isn't the one that would be running the country as I said and 2. everyone is entitled to their opinion. When the day comes they meet their maker they will be the one to answer to God.
    Trump 2024 all the way.

  • Jerry Wyatt - 2 months ago

    I don't agree with government funded abortion for birth control. I don't think taxpayers should pay for people having irresponsible sex.

  • Gale miller - 2 months ago

    I honestly believe that what Bill Clinton said was the perfect answer. She didn’t put any stipulation on time like the eight weeks or 12 weeks. I don’t know what she was thinking of. And her husband is standing by her, but she should really explain a little bit more, I will not be reading her book now. I don’t understand why she had to do this now. We are fighting for our lives here this country, our future and if we lose this election because of this, oh my goodness it would be catastrophic. I hope she knows that she could’ve made this stance and through this book out after the election, but she chose not to I wonder if she’s going to make any more statements on, how she really feels instead of making it so vague and left

  • Kiersten - 2 months ago

    Why would she say this now? It doesn't help them get elected. I am well aware of Trump's stance on abortion but for her to make a special statement on this is huge. I had her book on pre-order for a gift for someone and immediately cancelled the order when she came out with this. The bottom line is, innocents are still going to be killed under Trump, just a fewer number than they would under Harris. People think it's ok to play God. I believe we will see His judgment if we aren't already.

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