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Which company is better positioned to solve the most pressing problems of health systems? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 436

  • AnInteropGuy - 4 months ago

    My Epic vote isn't about my like of Epic's practices, rather it is about the abject incompetence of Oracle across multiple business units -- they have no understanding of the healthcare industry and their Cerner acquisition appears to be nothing but a method for gaining income from placing Cerner in the cloud.

    Don't like Epic, but I have no trust or faith in Oracle Health

  • onemoredave - 4 months ago

    Oracle is major global player in Workforce, ERP, supply chain, payors, governments, cloud, EMRs, rev cycle, iot, AI, life sciences, etc etc etc. To say Epic is better positioned for long term success over Oracle is just silly. If Oracle executes, they will dominate global healthcare in the next 10 to 15 years.

  • Smartfood99 - 5 months ago

    Does Epic even have to try to solve these problems given their position and the way the leverage it?

  • FormerEclipsii - 5 months ago

    DiscernWorld hits it right on the head. There should be a 3rd option here that reflects the reality that 'just because Epic is biggest doesn't mean it's the one that can fix things." Epic has a habit of being of refusing to work with anyone and crushing anyone who gets in their way. They use outdated technology and then lock you into their ecosystem. They make employees sign ridiculous NDAs and then use a hammer to not allow former employees to work other places. They use a silly test to determine if people can "handle" working on their applications. Not one thing here says that they are the company that can solve healthcare problems

  • DiscernWorld - 5 months ago

    You can tell that a majority of HISTalk readers are heavily invested in Epic and its ecosystem, and unable to contemplate what a major threat Epic is to our national healthcare infrastructure and to innovation. Monopolies are not good and our healthcare technology personnel should look beyond their selfish interests to control Epic. It may be that Particle is overstating its case and that Oracle Health is mismanaged. But as you can see, Epic destroyed the ambient scribe market by anointing Nuance and Abridge (for an undisclosed amount of equity) - a clear case of misusing monopoly power. This will only worsen over time unless community action is taken, ultimately resulting in antitrust action.

  • AnotherDave - 5 months ago

    There was a time when Cerner was influential. That changed after Neal Patterson passed away. What influence held on after Neal was obliterated by Oracle.

  • AnotherDave - 5 months ago

    There was a time when was Cerner influential. That changed after Neal Patterson passed away. What influence held on after Neal was obliterated by Oracle.

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