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Do you support a race-based payment system?


  • Sharon - 2 months ago

    You’re not actually talking race based. You’re talking skin color based. If you’re 1/4 Irish, 1/4 French 1/4 Oriental, and 1/8 Negro, and 1/8 Peruvian what race are you. The whole situation is idiocy. Why is 12% black of the USA calling the shots? The tail is wagging the dog.

  • Denise M. - 2 months ago

    Kamala sees that she is losing a lot of the black vote so this is her way to try to get it back. Buying votes. I am hopeful that black people have wised up to the ways of the democrat party.

  • Rocky - 2 months ago

    Promoting one race over another provides fuel for a fire.

  • Gina G - 2 months ago

    The barriers that black entrepreneurs face are their OWN PEOPLE robbing, looting and burning businesses to the ground! How many did they destroy during the BLM riots? They should be held responsible for their actions!

  • Gayle - 2 months ago

    Discrimination at its finest!!! Why are we going backwards with all this??? This is ridiculous!!! Smh

  • Briarrose - 2 months ago

    Basing anything on just race is wrong. Any assistance should be given regardless of race. Blacks are not the only class that needs help.

  • Kathy - 2 months ago

    Discrimination is discrimination, no matter which color is being treated differently from others

  • Debra - 2 months ago

    She just says anything to see if it sticks.

  • Alicia - 2 months ago

    No way should we have a race base payment system. That will just divide us more. It would also make us less competitive in the world because people would not have to really work to know some people will get more pay than others no matter what someone does. It is like grades instead of expecting students do their best this country has just lowered the standard so no one would be left behind.

  • Mia Blackman - 2 months ago

    So, we are now going to segregate money? This is about buying votes, nothing more.

  • Debra - 2 months ago

    The party of division keeps driving in the wedge!

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