What do you want to see more of on MarketFolly?


  • Gillian - 16 years ago

    Hi Jay, you do a great job with the site. Another site that I hope someone would start is to collect comments from various famed investors/analysts/PMs on their stock picks. There is one in Canada called stockchase.com ... quite handy. So if someone could do the same for U.S. stocks mainly, it would be great. Am sure it will attract a lot of traffic, with a better interface though. Thanks

  • Jay - 16 years ago

    Bryan, thanks very much for the comment.. very appreciated! Yea definitely could see the rationale for doing too many tiger cubs. I think the problem there is there are so many of them its hard to narrow it down? Any suggestions as to who isnt "fit" for coverage? I would have a hard time narrowing it down. Probably will just have to add other funds to spread it around more so the tigers are less of the overall picture in terms of funds we cover.

  • Bryan Wendon - 16 years ago

    I really like Market Folly. It's grown into one of my favourite blogs. I think you should continue to track the best in the industry. Perhaps you focus a little too much on the tiger cubs?

    I would love to know more about fixed income and distressed debt investing e.g., Paulson and to some extent at the moment, Klarman. It seems hard to get info on what the best practitioners are doing in this area.

    One thing I've been meaning to follow that may be of interest to you is the new disclosure rules on shorting financials in the UK. Large positions now have to be declared.

    Thanks for an excellent blog. Your Twitter updates are very useful too.

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