Has gang violence had a negative impact on your community?


  • Mr. Canada - 15 years ago

    Not a lot of the violence in Kamloops, but definatly the drugs, including crystal meth.

  • arthur fife - 15 years ago

    The system of justice has to take on another modern look. Those that insist on living the life of a style not conducive to happy and law-abiding have to be placed in another realm. The present style of justice is failing us. To make legal all of those drugs that are the source of this mess, is not the answer either, for to do so will only bring on more and more health problems, paling those of alcohol. What will become of the DNA of babies born under the influence? All sources of illegal drugs must be eradicated. Consider the problems with alcohol. I see this as our society under attack.

  • Michel Brazeau - 15 years ago

    No gang violence that I know of in Sudbury.

    Of course, I could be wrong and living in a bubble of sorts.

  • crappy - 15 years ago

    BC has never had SOO much violence related to gangs, drugs and such. It's scary to hear about the killings. I'm glad they are direct hits and there has not been any collateral damage...yet.

  • julaflamme - 15 years ago

    Gang violence & influence is even in small towns & remote areas - and it's spreading. Look at strip clubs for example - they are mostly controlled by gangs. When you have one in an area- then all of a sudden you see a spike in addictive drugs, then as addicts multiply, you gradually start to see increases in theft - then as territories overlap among the dealers, or dealers don't get paid, you start seeing violent crimes against individuals.
    Here in NB, we have had a couple of shootings this week. Most likely the result of gang activity - directly or indirectly.
    It's too bad the gangs in BC were left to flourish so long - they got rich - and greedy. And they need to keep expanding their range to meet their quotas. What we hear about in the news is just a tiny fraction of all the corruption out there.

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