How would you rate Kamala Harris's town hall with CNN?


  • Deb - 1 hour ago


  • Constance Foster - 2 hours ago

    She did not answer any of the questions that were put to her, just rant on about Donald Trump, she is an embarrassment to our Nation. Just think that the world is seeing this, America the greatest nation on earth having a president who has no idea what she is doing. No I am voting for Trump.

  • Marie - 3 hours ago

    This bimbo is in way over her head. She can't construct a sentence. We still don't know her policies and she still won't answer what she plans to do with the border and how she plans to do it. Hey kam-ALLAH you lying ho-bag,, the border is not closed. 20,000,000 maggots and cockroaches, thugs, druggies and murderers and you let them in. And, the US taxpayer is going to pay for these freeloaders for not doing a thing. This would be obama's forth term. kam-allah is complicit in kicking joe under the bus. But, isn't it delicious to watch the democrats eat their own. Is there anything lower than an "F". How about a "Z". Every time she is asked a hard question, she refers right back to "TRUMP"S fault". Up yours kam-ALLAH. If there is one thing I despise is someone who thinks she is smart, but truly is as dumb as a sand grain and that would be you..

  • Darcy - 4 hours ago

    It’s obvious she is not ready (or capable) of presidential office. If she answered the questions directly/honestly she would be exposing her out and out Marxist agenda … go by her previous actions, that should/would tell you all you need to know about her …. Obama just needs a puppet for a place holder so HE can continue to run the country (down into the ground). These are scary times for our country and its values … patriots need to stand up and vote!

  • Patricia Leader - 5 hours ago

    I only gave a D instead of an F because she showed up.

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