Cynthia- The states would probably pay for some food (even Welfare/Foodstamps should be enough, but say the States add a little extra with the savings. Kindergarten? That's up to the parents as far as teaching the children. If the Parents don't know how to teach and still send them to school, an appropriate punishment/reward would solve most of that. These are things YOU should brought up. I used to tell my workers than if they come in to complain about something, they also should come with an answer.
Think about all the savings, from Lunch menus, school blgs, Teacher's unions, Teachers payroll, Teachers pensions etc.
State Ed, VS Fed. Ed. ? I'll take the State every time.
Remember folks, communication is vital in order to progress. Problem? Come up with a solution.
Deb - 3 months ago
Yes said the retired teacher!
Ron Kycek - 3 months ago
Yes, education belongs to the states.
Wyatt - 3 months ago
This will eliminate common core in red states. It could also bring back Civics so students can understand how government works. Could also possibly bring back teaching cursive so that future generations can actually read founding documents. Having education managed at the state level gives parents more control over their children's education. The feds. being in charge leads to indoctrination.
Cynthia - 3 months ago
I can see many reasons why it should be abolished but then I think about the children that come to school hungry and the teacher gets food for them and gets extra snacks to send home with them, I think about the kindergarten children who have had no preparation for kindergarten, I think about the mother who just doesn’t send her children to school even though she isn’t qualified to homeschool, so her children have no education at all, there has to be a better way , these are things I have actually seen, can the states implement something better???
Karen - 3 months ago
I need more information as it is my understanding Trump wants the Department of Education abolished at the Federal level and brought down to State level. Scary for the children in some states.
Cynthia- The states would probably pay for some food (even Welfare/Foodstamps should be enough, but say the States add a little extra with the savings. Kindergarten? That's up to the parents as far as teaching the children. If the Parents don't know how to teach and still send them to school, an appropriate punishment/reward would solve most of that. These are things YOU should brought up. I used to tell my workers than if they come in to complain about something, they also should come with an answer.
Think about all the savings, from Lunch menus, school blgs, Teacher's unions, Teachers payroll, Teachers pensions etc.
State Ed, VS Fed. Ed. ? I'll take the State every time.
Remember folks, communication is vital in order to progress. Problem? Come up with a solution.
Yes said the retired teacher!
Yes, education belongs to the states.
This will eliminate common core in red states. It could also bring back Civics so students can understand how government works. Could also possibly bring back teaching cursive so that future generations can actually read founding documents. Having education managed at the state level gives parents more control over their children's education. The feds. being in charge leads to indoctrination.
I can see many reasons why it should be abolished but then I think about the children that come to school hungry and the teacher gets food for them and gets extra snacks to send home with them, I think about the kindergarten children who have had no preparation for kindergarten, I think about the mother who just doesn’t send her children to school even though she isn’t qualified to homeschool, so her children have no education at all, there has to be a better way , these are things I have actually seen, can the states implement something better???
I need more information as it is my understanding Trump wants the Department of Education abolished at the Federal level and brought down to State level. Scary for the children in some states.