I voted "unsure" because I think they'll try to start WWIII because you can't have a transition of power in the middle of an active war, but I don't know if they'll succeed. Many other countries want Trump in office so hopefully they'll recognize what Biden is trying to do and not take the bait.
Jami McGinley - 3 months ago
I'm more concerned about a terror attack once Trump's in office considering all of the un vetted people who've entered our country. I fear it's the next play for them.
Toby - 3 months ago
This article is contradictory, it says and ICBM was used in the attack in the first paragraph, then in the following it says "if it was used, it would be a major escalation" so it was used or it wasn't?
Angelo Alvarez - 3 months ago
The Bible says it will begin from the Euphrates River. So it will be Turkey, Iran, Iraq or Syria
Yvette Tanious - 3 months ago
I believe Trump is working on it. Keeping Putin calm. He is a peaceful man.
Kelly - 3 months ago
Even though obiden and the evil dems are trying hard to make that happen, I don’t think they will succeed. In the end they always fail.
Mark - 3 months ago
Putin will escalate but not expand his engagement, but if Trump comes into office and does nothing to change Ukraines course of action then i say Putin will now go after NATO countries and trigger WW3. Biden is going to go scorched earth on his way out the door to make it hard on Trump's presidency, I should say the puppet master AKA Obummer.
I voted "unsure" because I think they'll try to start WWIII because you can't have a transition of power in the middle of an active war, but I don't know if they'll succeed. Many other countries want Trump in office so hopefully they'll recognize what Biden is trying to do and not take the bait.
I'm more concerned about a terror attack once Trump's in office considering all of the un vetted people who've entered our country. I fear it's the next play for them.
This article is contradictory, it says and ICBM was used in the attack in the first paragraph, then in the following it says "if it was used, it would be a major escalation" so it was used or it wasn't?
The Bible says it will begin from the Euphrates River. So it will be Turkey, Iran, Iraq or Syria
I believe Trump is working on it. Keeping Putin calm. He is a peaceful man.
Even though obiden and the evil dems are trying hard to make that happen, I don’t think they will succeed. In the end they always fail.
Putin will escalate but not expand his engagement, but if Trump comes into office and does nothing to change Ukraines course of action then i say Putin will now go after NATO countries and trigger WW3. Biden is going to go scorched earth on his way out the door to make it hard on Trump's presidency, I should say the puppet master AKA Obummer.
Certainly not! Have faith in Trump!
I’m praying NO ????