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What do you think of Deval Patrick's performance as governor?

Total Votes: 1,274

  • King - 16 years ago

    Disappointed?? How about disgusted.
    This guy was a fraud from the get go. How people can be so outraged at this point is beyond me. This dolt has been led around with a ring in his nose by the carpet baggers in the house and senate. Those morons have a collective IQ of 50 and anyone who continues to elect them believing they have the answer is sorely mistaken. The only resolve is to boot out ALL of the Democrats and the liberal Republicans and get people there with some balls. Make the house a part time job and force these parasites to get real jobs!! Anything else is an exercise in futility.

  • Lazy Linc - 16 years ago

    Did you expect anything less. Don't forget this is ma. politics at its best. The old sleight of hand trick. Keep the attention off the trivial matters by accenting the nonsense in govt. affairs.

    Whose watching the chickens?

  • PG - 16 years ago

    IMPEACH!! IMPEACH!!! He promised putting one thousand cops on the streets of MA. What he didn't say was that they would all be on the streets holding pink slips after getting the axe

  • Pam - 16 years ago

    Mr. Patrick needs a reality check!

  • JG - 16 years ago

    Aloisi is not an elected official. He was appointed by "Free Fall Deval". There are many officials, elected or not, who share plenty of blame, but Deval is the Gov. of the state. The guy has no balls and bends to the will of the legislature, not to the will of the people. He should have taken a position in the Obama administration because he is a lame duck here. Take two of his major promises that he made, one, how is everyone's property tax cut doing? And two, has anyone seen the 1,000 new cops on the street? I know in my town, the property taxes went up, and they are talking about police layoffs.

  • Frank - 16 years ago

    Pam is correct. It's not Gov. Patrick's fault. We also have to blame al the other hacks in State government. Senators, Reps., Directors are all over priced help looking out for themselves not us.
    Look at Aloisi, his sister,

    They all have to go! Vote them out! Instead of reform we're seeing more of the same. Instead of making cuts he is doing just the opposite growing government. Yes Mike Dukakis looks conservative next to Fidel Patrick. However, it is quite simple. If you don't have the money don't spend it! Unless you are Obama and Geitner, just print more! it's only paper!

  • William Archibald - 16 years ago

    This governor is terrible. He reminds me of Mike Dukakis, except he is worse. I can't think of a single thing he promised (during his campaign) that he has accomplished. He has set a poor example by hiring cronies for unimportant jobs even though the state doesn't have any money.

  • JG - 16 years ago

    Is anyone suprised? The guy said nothing during his campaign exept "I have to look at that" and got a free pass in the debates when Christy Mihos and Kerry Healy would spend the entire time at eachother's throats. He vowed to be a "new" politician but has been nothing but the status quo, for example, giving high paying jobs to buddies while the economy is in ruins while proposing raising taxes. When his Casino plan went down, he didnt even fight back, he instead took off to New York to sign a book deal. Is it any suprise that he has an approval rating in the 20's and sinking? The govenor has been in so far over his head that if he chooses to run again, he will get smoked.

  • Pam - 16 years ago

    you dissatisfied people forget....It's not his mess!!!
    He's attempting to fix messes from the past
    Not an easy task in today's economy

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