Reform the school systems and colleges. Get rid of all the destructive liberal ideologies - educate our American youth - children, teenagers, college…. They’re smart enough to be all “the intelligent people” this country will ever need.
Foreign workers are willing to work for below standard wages with little benefits.
The companies will love this. I wonder who is on Trump’s payroll.
Foreign workers take jobs from qualified American citizens .
D K - 4 days ago
If people would really look at what he is saying, instead of going into outrage mode, you might understand. We need qualified, highly trained professionals (scientists, doctors, technologies), ot the mediocre professionals that come from our woke education system. What needs done is policing of the visas being issued to make sure they are being issued for the proper reason.
Reform the school systems and colleges. Get rid of all the destructive liberal ideologies - educate our American youth - children, teenagers, college…. They’re smart enough to be all “the intelligent people” this country will ever need.
Foreign workers are willing to work for below standard wages with little benefits.
The companies will love this. I wonder who is on Trump’s payroll.
Foreign workers take jobs from qualified American citizens .
If people would really look at what he is saying, instead of going into outrage mode, you might understand. We need qualified, highly trained professionals (scientists, doctors, technologies), ot the mediocre professionals that come from our woke education system. What needs done is policing of the visas being issued to make sure they are being issued for the proper reason.
No sir Mr Trump America first & always
Don’t start back tracking after you have one!!