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Should landlords be criminally charged for safety code violations in their buildings?

Total Votes: 394

  • deb - 15 years ago

    There are plenty of good landlords out there who have safe buildings , who maintain and keep them well. Please do not demonize all of them. If I had a penny for every time a tenant removed a smoke alarm battery, a bulb from a common hallway,broke windows etc. Is this the landlords responsibility? You cannot be in the building 24/7 to watch whats going on. Also people should take their own health and safety into account when renting unsafe apts. just to save a few bucks. As we know you cannot put a value on the cost of a human life. I encourage people to complain to the correct officials if a landlords fails to live up to their responsiblility, and tenants should be terminated when they don't live up to theirs

  • Jim - 15 years ago

    Landlords should be held responsible for illegal apartments or other violations, but tennants have a habit of taking the batteries out of the smoke detectors for the TV clickers or because the detectors go off every time they smoke or burn toast. The tennant has to take some responsibilty for their actions.

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