Is Obama’s promise to send 21,000 extra troops to Afghanistan enough to turn the tide in the war?


  • David Dzidzikashvili - 15 years ago

    Obama administration needs to get more aggressive on Afghanistan. Taliban together with Al Qaeda elements keep reemerging from place to place and this continued resistance could destabilize the country, Afghan government, as well as neighboring Pakistan, our ally in the War on Terror. This could as well undermine whole War on Terror efforts and operations. The NATO force in Afghanistan needs to grow and there has to be more involvement on the side of Pakistani government, to keep pressure on Taliban, Al Qaeda, so that they will not be able to keep fighting, their hideouts will not be able to provide safety to them and keep them under constant pressure. It’s also about a time to shift focus and steer our military strategy slowly from Iraq towards Afghanistan.

  • Archie - 16 years ago

    I know, I know what your are saying, dear Mars; BUT since we are there, we must continue to work with those of lesser means to change the attitude of the civilization of those 3rd world peoples so they'll be able to contribute to the betterment of the globe. If they had not extended their sphere of activities to implode the 2 towers in New York City, all of this 'mess' may not be happening. Look at our circumstance. We now have to have a passport to cross American Borders! They are imploding North America! It will take a long, long time to change the attitude of those peoples, but perseverance will prevail. We have to be understanding and consistent with our means. We have many western countries to contribute. It just takes time and unfortunately other costs as well; but we will prevail. We cannot now just walk away. What kind of western society is that to cede to terrorism?

  • Mars - 16 years ago

    Here we go again---the almighty-Obama--has all the answers!!! Trying to make a name for himself-- will send more troops to afgahnistan. Yes -it will make a difference--more tropps have been neeeded for a long time--but that won't change the thinking of any of those backword peoples-- as soon as we are gone-from the battle grounds-- out will come the taliban--& destroy everything the troops built & did for them!!!! will take generations--for the mentality of these people to realize--how to live properly & get along! think we should all stay out of these 3rd world countries-- they live the way they will-& want to--about all-perhaps-- we can teach them is-- how to grow food etc. & feed themselves---we give-give-give---"united nations"-- & nothing ever improves-- so why do we send soldiers in their to die--what for?? I am not against our military-- or any other-- just hate to see our young men & women scarifice -& be sacraficed --for what??? the U S troops will certainly help-but the people will not change-- in our lifetime! so Obama has another feather in his hat-- but w ait till he sees how the U S economy will die-- when the trillions he got-- are gone-- he isn't thinking about how to replace all those dollars-- socializem has never won!!!! Had to vent!!!!

  • Maggie - 16 years ago

    No! Ask Alexander The Great and/or the young Winston Churchill who was a correspondent for The London Times during the British occupation.

  • Dawn White - 16 years ago

    It'll have to be.

  • Archie - 16 years ago

    At some point this conflict must be successful for the west. It must. It has to be.

  • Meta Peet - 16 years ago

    Obama can send as many troops as he wants as long as they are not Canadian troops!! It is really too bad that the Taliban have taken over Swat Valley. And indeed, I think it is a way by which they can have a safe haven. But, it is not our fight. These tribal wars have been going on for hundreds of years. There is no way we can stop it. There will be hundreds of lives lost in Afghanistan, and for what??? I sincerely hope that the progress made by Afghani women will not be reversed. We can't police every spot in the world that does not share our values and way of life. That is a lost cause.

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