How do you stay fit on the road?


  • Ursula - 15 years ago

    I'm interested in where Robert Gambol is these days. I used to know him a number of years ago. If anyone knows, or knows his email address, here is my email:

  • Robert Gambol - 15 years ago

    I learned through the years that to keep my weight under control and
    stay healthy, I must eat less food!
    Here are some ideas on how to accomplish this goal.
    Eat smaller portions more frequently. Remember the old coal
    furnace...someone had to throw a shovel of coal on the fire ever so
    often, to keep the thing burning. Like a furnace, the body requires
    food now and then, to keep it working too.
    Get rid of the 'mess hall' tray and instead, take a small plate to
    'Pot-Lucks'. You'll eat less food if you don't go back for 'seconds'.
    Go and get desert, but take only one item, not one of each.
    Park as far away from the store front as you can, in a spot where you can see the the building's entrance. If you come shopping in the 'Toad' or 'Pickup', park in a space that's as far from the entrance as possible. You'll have to walk a ways but you'll use more calories. If you get tired quickly, see a doctor.
    Don't go into fast food places and 'pig out'. Choose form the $1 menu
    if it's offered. I like the spicy chicken sandwich with small fries and drink.
    Ask for water with a slice of lemon instead of Pepsi. You'll be cutting back on sugar, while saving money as well.
    When going to a 'sit-down' restaurant with a friend, ask if they
    would like to share the entree. It's not being cheap! Consider letting
    them order their favorite dish for sharing. You'll only get half a
    serving of something that may not be that good for you. If dining out
    alone, ask for a small 'takeout' container with the meal. If portions
    are out of proportion as they usually are, put some of the food in the
    container to take home. This system works well if food is removed from
    the plate before you dig in.
    Keep plenty of fresh fruit sitting out where it can be seen. I put up
    a hanging basket so I can see the fruit that should be eaten.
    Here's an idea a friend told me about. Dice some assorted vegetables
    such as onions, green/red/yellow peppers, celery, tomatoes and put
    this in a mixing bowl. Add some garlic, basil, cilantro, black pepper,
    seasoned salt, red wine wine vinegar and mix well. Put into a container
    (I use a Rubbermaid Produce Saver) and refrigerate.
    Instead of reaching for the baloney, eat a helping of the veggie mix.
    What about chocolates, ice cream and potato chips? We all like these
    snack foods. I buy the miniature candies and put them in a cabinet.
    When I open the cabinet door and see the chocolates, I feel secure.
    With the help of a little willpower, you don't have to have a piece
    every day. When I'm into the 'chips', I'll eat the broken pieces know, maybe a mouth full, but no more. I'm ok with this.
    Ahh, ice cream. I buy a box of Fudge Bars and tuck them away in
    the freezer. They're not as noticeable as a half-gallon container.
    I try not to use the exercise word in my daily vocabulary. It brings
    on feelings of guilt. I walk a lot because I don't have a car.
    Get out of the RV now and then and take a walk around camp. It gets
    blood flowing, clears the lungs out, and makes you feel good.
    When you come back to the RV, drink some water before 'raiding' the
    refrigerator. Food won't take away thirst like water will.
    A final thought. When you see old friends, compliment them on how good
    they look. You might be stretching it but above all, don't be negative.
    When you look in the mirror each day, say to the person looking out of
    the glass...I love you.

    Bob Gambol

  • JJ - 16 years ago

    The word "excercise" is a bad, bad word. I don't "excercise." Instead, I use "alternate means to get from Point A to Point B." If I find that I'm within a mile from a grocery store, I will walk to the grocery store. But I am NOT "exercising." I am merely "going to get groceries." I stop at State Parks and hike the trails. But I am NOT "exercising." I am "enjoying the natural beauty of the State Park." "Exercise" is a bad, bad word.

  • Chris - 16 years ago

    As my RV is very small, I take my mat to the community hall every morning where ever I am and do my stretching exercises there. Then for aerobic I find a nice area and ride my bicycle for 30 minutes every day.

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