Yes! China makes a lot of stuff, but it’s all made of poor quality materials and the workmanship is very poor. How many times have you picked up an item and seen a “made in china” sticker on it? I do it all the time, and think well that will last exactly two point five days before it breaks. Most countries have china doing their manufacturing for them. I once bought an article of clothing that was supposed to be Danish but had a made in china sticker on it. If we stop sending our manufacturing to China it won’t hurt their economy much. This country was founded on industry its time to reintroduce American quality to the world again.
Donna - 2 days ago
How soon we forget! Remember when a large number of dogs died a few years back…expensive dog food had contaminants & it was made in China. Recall on common medicine prescriptions…contaminated with cancer causing agent. How long had that gone on before it was caught? COVID? I had boycotted them myself since COVID. Thank you Mr Trump & Mr. Musk. We as a country need to start living within our means. We need term limits to stop the ridiculous spending!
Donna - 2 days ago
How soon we forget! Remember when a large number of dogs died a few years back…expensive dog food had contaminants & it was made in China. Recall on common medicine prescriptions…contaminated with cancer causing agent. How long had that gone on before it was caught? COVID? I had boycotted them myself since COVID. Thank you Mr Trump & Mr. Musk. We as a country need to start living within our means. We need term limits to stop the ridiculous spending!
Kim Trumble - 2 days ago
They buy corn and soybeans from us so that would hurt our crop producers like my Husband.
ChaMar - 2 days ago
I voted no because first we need to start manufacturing in US, you go to the store and most things are made in China. There are way too many people that are struggling and live from check to check. Let’s first fix this problem and later stop the dependence from China products. Can be done but make sure everyone in the US can afford this! Is a big move and can be done with a good planning!
Constance Foster - 2 days ago
I said no because we owe China 1.1 Trillion dollars as of 2021. How are we as a Nation going to repay this? They also are buying up lands, the US government needs to do something to stop China from doing this. In order for America to thrive and grow we have to be more proficient in our spending, increase investment in our economy and our energy independence aka oil drilling so can be producers, and exporters. We also have to focus on increasing the education of our children in order for us to become number one nation in productivity.
Wyatt - 2 days ago
I think it should ne a limited relationship! It should also be equitable!
I believe that everything you buy now is made in China. But there a few things made in USA which is good. You may be going too fast on certain things. Waite to get factories started for household items. Toys. Clothing. A lot of people are already still struggling can’t afford expensive things. Some times even the food that’s good for you. Like for me my son died of cancer two weeks later my second husband died . I just got through paying for my husbands funeral took 9!years still buying my home and keeping it up is always a chslange. Paying all the bills too. Car insurance. House insurance. Hospital bills doctor bills good yard work. Etc. not counting utilities. I’m 79 will be 80 in June. I get fair sic sec with out it I’d be homeless or starving . Not everyone has a big amount of money to back them up. Plus I drive a 1999 car almost on its last legs now my health is not the best. I live on my own. So prices will raise and we will wind up doing without. Don’t go so fast that you cut off your nois to spite your face.
Arizona Kalde - 2 days ago
We should have been manufacturing already not relying on China. They steal our IP & sell it back to us for cheap. The same for our medicines. It's not that hard people to look for Made in America & Buy American.
Julie - 2 days ago
so sick of everything you buy in a clothing store when it says made in China and shop owners telling you it’s really their only choice
Yes! China makes a lot of stuff, but it’s all made of poor quality materials and the workmanship is very poor. How many times have you picked up an item and seen a “made in china” sticker on it? I do it all the time, and think well that will last exactly two point five days before it breaks. Most countries have china doing their manufacturing for them. I once bought an article of clothing that was supposed to be Danish but had a made in china sticker on it. If we stop sending our manufacturing to China it won’t hurt their economy much. This country was founded on industry its time to reintroduce American quality to the world again.
How soon we forget! Remember when a large number of dogs died a few years back…expensive dog food had contaminants & it was made in China. Recall on common medicine prescriptions…contaminated with cancer causing agent. How long had that gone on before it was caught? COVID? I had boycotted them myself since COVID. Thank you Mr Trump & Mr. Musk. We as a country need to start living within our means. We need term limits to stop the ridiculous spending!
How soon we forget! Remember when a large number of dogs died a few years back…expensive dog food had contaminants & it was made in China. Recall on common medicine prescriptions…contaminated with cancer causing agent. How long had that gone on before it was caught? COVID? I had boycotted them myself since COVID. Thank you Mr Trump & Mr. Musk. We as a country need to start living within our means. We need term limits to stop the ridiculous spending!
They buy corn and soybeans from us so that would hurt our crop producers like my Husband.
I voted no because first we need to start manufacturing in US, you go to the store and most things are made in China. There are way too many people that are struggling and live from check to check. Let’s first fix this problem and later stop the dependence from China products. Can be done but make sure everyone in the US can afford this! Is a big move and can be done with a good planning!
I said no because we owe China 1.1 Trillion dollars as of 2021. How are we as a Nation going to repay this? They also are buying up lands, the US government needs to do something to stop China from doing this. In order for America to thrive and grow we have to be more proficient in our spending, increase investment in our economy and our energy independence aka oil drilling so can be producers, and exporters. We also have to focus on increasing the education of our children in order for us to become number one nation in productivity.
I think it should ne a limited relationship! It should also be equitable!
I believe that everything you buy now is made in China. But there a few things made in USA which is good. You may be going too fast on certain things. Waite to get factories started for household items. Toys. Clothing. A lot of people are already still struggling can’t afford expensive things. Some times even the food that’s good for you. Like for me my son died of cancer two weeks later my second husband died . I just got through paying for my husbands funeral took 9!years still buying my home and keeping it up is always a chslange. Paying all the bills too. Car insurance. House insurance. Hospital bills doctor bills good yard work. Etc. not counting utilities. I’m 79 will be 80 in June. I get fair sic sec with out it I’d be homeless or starving . Not everyone has a big amount of money to back them up. Plus I drive a 1999 car almost on its last legs now my health is not the best. I live on my own. So prices will raise and we will wind up doing without. Don’t go so fast that you cut off your nois to spite your face.
We should have been manufacturing already not relying on China. They steal our IP & sell it back to us for cheap. The same for our medicines. It's not that hard people to look for Made in America & Buy American.
so sick of everything you buy in a clothing store when it says made in China and shop owners telling you it’s really their only choice