Do you share Stephen Harper's optimism with respect to the Canadian economy?


  • mars - 15 years ago

    Listen up-everyone! No one person on this earth- can bring the economy out of it's doldrums!! It all has to do with all nations--getting together-- & find the solution-- like th G20 --is doing. Then- it depends on what each leader will do with what the banks have to offer-- & how-what-when-which-& where --the public spend their incomes!!! Harper is keeping it all together--if only he had a majority--we would see what he could do-- studied economics in university-- so knows the ropes!! give him a chance. As for Iggy-- he is just interested in looking after himself-- trying to get elected-to get the liberals on the podium-- again to do what they do best-- squander --our money!!! He has no convictions- plateform etc.-- it will take decades to get that party in the -fold-- again!!!

  • Paul Schult - 15 years ago

    I am an ex-liberal who joined the Conservative Party (Not progressive Cons. Party) via the Canadian Alliance, could never support a red Tory if I tried, We as Canadians get better than we deserved with our Prime Minister being Stephen Harper. I wish we Canadians could be less paranoid and more thankful and less cynical, the liberals stock in trade. I hope and more than that pray we never choose a new czar, who is so much (in my opinion) a legend in his own mind........Iggy as his friends are want to call him would make a good flip flopper which liberal pragmatists are always good at. No values just rule by polls.

  • cjb - 15 years ago

    Whatever happened to "the fearless but now elusive" Jack (the Kitchen Table Champion of the Poor) "wan-a-be" PM these days?

    I'm surprised that Jack L didn't personally accompany his Party's Social Critic on a recent trip to Rome to study world poverty, at Canadian Taxpayer expense?)

  • Richard - 15 years ago

    Looking at Mr. Harper's history it appears he has not done well at practising as an economist. I say practising because he takes a suck and blow approach to his decision making process. Let us assume that 2+2=4 in the realistic world we used to live in. If we think as an analogue processor (human brain) 2+2 very rarely comes to 4 because our mind can fiddle the numbers. Digital processing (CPU) will give a true answer every time unless the software is corrupt. Mr. Harper does not make sense as to substance and his delivery thereof lacks an edge (understatement!!). He may be intelligent but he definitely isn't smart. He hasnt been able to make 2 & 2 come together right since he became Prime Minister (kinda). He must gather together as many smart people that can add properly AND take their advice.
    Things to do -
    Pull out of Afganistan ASAP. These boys havent lost a serious battle in the past 3000 years! Send 10 men into a dark room to throw out a crazy person and 8 of them will get the shit kicked out of them and the guy will still be in the room. Obama must be using the whoopy stuff the Taliban harvest and ship roundaboutly into the USA.
    Hire the best heavy equipment and aerospace mechanics and technicians and ship them to Afganistan next week. (They have very good soldiers and very poor mechanics).
    The G20 should legalize drugs around the world - smart people will stop using them after they experience the bottome line in life - It worked in the UK.
    Stop spending money on the Navy(??) - Mothball the submarines (expensive anchors) - The Brits dumped them because they didn't work and that is a fact.
    Protect the Arctic and the ROI will be bountifull. The Russians have a big headstart.
    Address the future (now!) dilemma re the growing number of elderly and lack of hospitalization/healthcare.
    Do not give Cerbus (Chrysler) any more money - make deal with Magna and Ms. H (Linamar) to take over Canadian operations after proper bankruptcy.
    Ford will survive only if the CAW pull themselves out the "Them and me" 60's methodology re negotiating labour contracts. The days of guaranteeing a persons future career (job) are gone. To see any organized group have to utilize a Strike to win a point has become insane. In the end all lose as we are experiencing.
    GM can take another couple of runs back to the trough but I believe the USA numbers boys are going to see that they can't see a 4 because GM keeps thinking 2+1.33 is actually comming to 4. Do the math - The Auto market is shrinking - GM is losing their share dramatically - Competition is going to become more fierce and productivity on the factory floor will continue to lag - GM's debt/burden is massive and it is not a hill they are facing - it is a mountain. A friend of mine told me that his Dad had to put the gear in reverse and back up the hill (1 of 3 hills in PEI) - Bear in mind that all of these people that are being layed off are still drawing wages +++ benefits for the following 3 years. I remember my accountant telling me that "it appears that we will have to adjust the accounts". Chapter 11 is going to be like putting the prisoner in death row.
    I have a saying - "When you get to 6 feet stop digging!"
    Sorry this letter is so long but I didn't have time to write a

  • af - 15 years ago

    The Liberal Party began it's erosion at the time of Trudeau, only to be advanced by Chrètien; not to be enhanced by Ignatieff who sees Canada through foreign eyes. Harper at the helm at present is the best to be our Prime Minister. The Liberals need a rest from office for one hundred years. Oh yes, I used to vote Liberal.

  • marchidel - 15 years ago

    Harper has been lying to us all the time. Why should we believe him now? All he wants is POWER. Nevermind the wellfare of the Canadians. Poor country! How irresponssible we are to have voted for such a TSAR, so he thinks himself to be. Poor Canada.

  • Lewis - 15 years ago

    Mr. Harper has forgotten more about economics than Mr. Ignastiest knows.

    Mr. Ignastiest has no experience whatsoever in leading a company or any organization including the Boy Scouts, and he has no business or economics training.
    But this smooth talking history teacher does have a lot of experience writing about the past, but unfortunately he doesn't have a clue about what the future holds, he is waiting for history to tell us.
    In reality, this gentleman is not tuned in to what is Canada having lived approx 30 of his 60 years outside of Canada, another twenty in the country growing into adulthood and only ten in the country as an adult Canadian; he is not in touch with his country but more in touch with the US and Great Britain. We do not need another academic as our leader.

  • Jan - 15 years ago

    Liberals are sowing gloom and doom because they would dearly see the economy falter so they THINK they will be elected. As has been in the past incumbent Govt's are always defeated when the economy is in trouble.PM.Harper has shown to be a Good Leader in difficult times. That is why the Majority of Canadians will elect Mr.Harper again as PM.

  • Capt. Fruillo - 15 years ago

    The "hope" and "change" in the United States has led only to
    gold plated exit packages for high rolling fat cats and those
    unwilling to fly business class. Average citizens will be paying
    for the multi-trillion government spending spree until snowflakes
    are found on the gates of Hades. What's in your wallet!

  • MJH - 15 years ago

    The 44% who are not optimistic about the economy are undoubtedly all LIberals who are expert at spreading doom and gloom and making the recession much worse. Lighten up folks.

  • wjwilson - 15 years ago

    The posatives already out number the negatives. The car sales are up,the
    house sales are back, the oil price is recovering ,the restraunts are full and companies are starting to show better numbers.The only real negative is the
    job situation.We are going to have to find different jobs for a alot of people.Would the bleeding socialists sooner have Harper calling out the sky is falling and that we never will recover?
    Let's get posative and optimistic for once and try and get ourselves out of this.

  • Keith - 15 years ago

    Of course Harper is pedalling that line, he has no choice. I mean really, who doesn't hope that the economy turns around sooner rather than later, and I mean a real turnaround, positive numbers for months. The reality of that howver is , not so much. What is really distressing is that 57% of people in the poll agree with Stevie(Rose Coloured Glasses) Harper

  • Benoit Duguay - 15 years ago

    Je pense que les gens répondent à cette question, non pour approuver ou désapprouver M. Harper dans sa façon de voir la crise, mais pour convaincre le monde qu'il y a lieu d'espérer parce qu'ils veulent continuer d'espérer eux-mêmes, souhaitant qu'en dissimulant la vérité, on finit par se convaincre soi-même qu'elle n'est pas si pire et qu'elle finira bien un jour.

  • DL - 15 years ago

    Why dwell on the negative, being positive makes the bad seem not so bad and staying positive only leads to a healthier society and a healthier you.

  • Peter - 15 years ago

    Harper has his head in the sand hoping that when he actually emerges that everything will be ok and the recession will be over. We the baby boomers that have to live on our monies (which we took years to accumilate) are having trouble believing anything he has to say. Maybe it is time for a drastic change with our unresponsive government. Why does he figure that he is smarter then all of the leaders in the free world.

  • KL - 15 years ago

    The Stephen Harper I know is the one who mocked the Liberals for having plans to deal with the recession, then immediate after the election stole said plans.

    For an economist, Harper seems to know as much about the economy (and how to deal with it) as a child.

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