I've listened to every goose show six times. Nobody knows goose better than I do. Should've had me on the pod. This would've never happened
Seep-up CO - 5 days ago
I have to agree with every word from - Jim Bob Don. There is no way this Madhuvan should be loosing - and the westville Rockdale should have never been eliminated. What he said makes sense - these jams are too monstrous for the casual jam fans to take in. This competition should have came down to these two songs , and it would have been hard for me to decided between the two…… but these are by far the two best jams of 2024 - no doubt about it in my mind.
Jim Bob Don - 5 days ago
Jerry would've voted Madhuvan btw
Jim Bob Don - 5 days ago
Being a bliss jam is the only criteria needed for a jam to be seen as good in the goose community. The amount of times I've seen, "yeah that jam has multi sections all doing something different and doing them well but this jam has bliss! They lock into one single groove for 20 mins and it made me dance and feel good!" Just like westville Rockdale this madhuvan is taking an early undeserved exit because it's too monsterous for the casual jam fans to take in which we should just admit the goose community loves goose but do not love jam music and analyisis and that's apparent now. Philly tumble was awesome I was at that show and that jam saved the first set from being a jamless 1st set. But it does not have nearly enough grease to deserve to make it all the way. I was not at fiddlers but the madhuvan blew me away way more just from my couch. When the chaos in the beginning of the jam somehow forms into a structured rhythm it made me smile and laugh out loud but not because it's a feel good jam but because as musicians these guys are geniuses and when you get to experience that genius you remember exactly why you like jam music in the first place. So when you vote for tumble remember, the madhuvan was a work of art true to its form and you're throwing it away because it didnt make you feel good or dance.
Jack Naughton - 5 days ago
Voting for Madhuvan because im not a coward
Chef #62 - 5 days ago
LMAO *cracks knuckles*
Honk - 5 days ago
Is Elon helping with this Tumble vote? Suspicious gap, to say the least. Tumble is an excellent bliss jam, but Fiddlehuvan is the JOTY.
Sventastic - 5 days ago
Wow!! Both are great. I figured it'd be closer than this. I like the beginning of the tumble jam more than the effects section of fiddlervan, but once both of them come out of their bliss sections, fiddlervan takes over.
Dan - 5 days ago
This fan base sure does like Bliss Jams. Sigh. I love this Tumble but I’ll take this Madhuvan any day or night or this Tumble. This Madhuvan starts disorganized and chaotic, then regrouping, it goes dark before taking us from the depths to an emotional peak. This Tumble on the other hand was masterful guitar work and a great bliss jam but not unique enough for me to vote for it as JOTY. I’m saddened that this Madhuvan will likely join the should’ve been JOTY club instead of its rightful place atop the podium.
Dark Vickers - 5 days ago
Everything is working out perfectly. Cap Drive will win next. I will turn on the Tumble supporters. The masses will follow me. The bracket is mine.
Not Norm - 5 days ago
When did the Fox Arrow lose? wtf man
Neal’s Friend - 5 days ago
Neal is a friend. He is a great person. Love and light folks. We don’t need more drama in our society.
BT - 5 days ago
Friggen bliss jams. Come over to the dark side. Long live fiddlehuvan and long live fox arrow.
Neal - 6 days ago
My biggest regret is blocking text messages from people with way more honor and integrity than I will ever have.
Dean Novin - 6 days ago
Is Philly going back to back with JOTY in 23 and 24?
B - 6 days ago
I don't think the chef has enough restaurants to pull off a comeback. It's over.
Madhuvan was def the best 3/4 JOTY though.
Josh - 6 days ago
Both jams are incredible. But at least I know what Tumble is about.
Shannon - 6 days ago
These comments are gold. Thank you all!
BDR - 6 days ago
This is the matchup of the tournament. I love both of these jams and have questioned what is my number 1 constantly.
This madhuvan is an absolute monster. It gets out there and exploratory, it has multiple sections all amazing in their own way, it contains bliss, some more spooky vibes, has consistent fire Trevor bass throughout, is above 30 minutes with no wasted time, it really checks all of the boxes. Trevor’s bass line during the bliss segment is permanently cemented in my brain and has been for months. From the first time I heard this jam I knew it would be up there in 2024, it is a clear monster that if wins JOTY, I would be completely satisfied.
Philly tumble is extraordinary. My favorite jam of all time is 11/22/21 Arcadia, every time I listen to that jam I get goosebumps and an indescribable boost to my day. Philly tumble gives me a feeling closer to that Arcadia than any other jam I’ve ever heard. Rich’s playing in the second half of this jam is just outstanding. The guitar is an extension of himself and he is playing with so much emotion, putting it all out there. It is that sort of playing that is messy in a good way and makes you bob your head back and forth in random, not consistent sequences. Rich is better than anyone out there at finding something amazing and absolutely executing on it, and Philly tumble is a perfect example of that.
What is JOTY? Everyone has their own criteria that they value more or less than the next person which is what makes this so difficult and everyone’s opinions so different. I know the tumble places a lot of value on Rick’s playing while people say the madhuvan is more of a full band jam. While I agree mostly with this, I still think Philly tumble contains a lot of great stuff from everyone, Rick just puts the cherry on top and is the main focus at the end, as the lead guitarist typically is. I love full band jamming but also love when Rick shines so much and I don’t think value should be taken away from this tumble because Rick had an amazing solo.
When it comes down to it, I place the most value on the feeling that a jam gives me. How much do I constantly have it stuck in my head and want to go back and relisten to it? A jam that gives me that feeling of magic every time no matter how many re-listens deserves to be the JOTY. Every time I’ve tried to go against it and convince myself otherwise, it blows me away on relisten.
Philly tumble FTW!
Kaz - 6 days ago
What Duddy said. Tumble all the way
Cwan - 6 days ago
I have followed this entire Joty bracket this year to see the crown placed on Tumble. Madhuvan is my favorite Goose song, and its jams have won several times. This Tumble was an intense spiritual moment that happens only a few times in a lifetime. Go Philly Tumble!
Philly Tumble JOTY - 6 days ago
1, 2, you know what to do
Saquon - 6 days ago
This Tumble inspired me this year man. Was listening to it on repeat as we were beating the Chiefs
Duddy Squared - 6 days ago
What Duddy says.
UncleFredsJive - 6 days ago
Good Words Andrew Duddy, Good Words ????????????????
Tumble has the Je Ne Sais Quoi to go all the way!!
Andrew Duddy - 6 days ago
This is what the Bracket is all about. Two titans facing off and in the very subjective world of music and jams, we get to see what the people prefer. The winner here is probably the winner of the JOTY so vote wisely. Thanks again for those who organize this - Ryan, Neal, Jive, Adam and others.
The Madhuvan is a freight train of a jam. An incredible force. It is long but it earns it. For me, I think Goose jams should be closer to 20 mins than 40 mins and I think many agree. That was born out in last year's echo battle where the shorter of the two monsters won. But as I said I can't fault this Mad for being good enough to go the distance. It calls back many things we have seen and love about goose (lovely melodic space, heavy riffing like the echo from last year, and the ferocious finish). It does it all and does it all well. Respect.
However... There is another angle that has always been part of my perspective that I bring to bear on this discussion. Do we value the jam that does more things and for longer, or do we value the jam that does the most interesting or impactful thing, even if that may be for a shorter duration. The Tumble has a stretch in the middle for about 10 mins that is the best piece of music from the year. It's not just a peak from Rick. Even Jebb is making key additions with the shells or whatever. Cotter is a powerhouse. They sampled it for the viva el Gonzo promo vid because it's such a vibe. And in the year of Vibey Tumbles this was king. Peter, Vickers and others have called it the peak of the year and I can't disagree. Some of the best of Rick. Rick lays down the themes slowly and then gradually pieces them together for a guitar god peak - but it's thoughtful with restrained power. What I am looking for is that piece of music that takes me somewhere new and beautiful. Even if it's just a glimpse... A glimpse of Infinity. Some things are so powerful they can only be glimpsed for a short time. It opens the mind to what more could be. This Tumble does that. It pushes the envelope for the band. The funky section and the raging end are also great but that is not what gets it to this point. So for me, the best, most impactful piece of music for the year gets my vote and is going to win. I was fortunate enough to see it from the 3rd row in my hometown. A memory that won't soon fade.
I sent the Tumble to my dad last night and he was sobbing through the bliss peak part. Had a couple beers in him I bet too.
Stephanie Duddy - 6 days ago
tumble for the win.It is some of the most beautiful music played
Cptn_Incredible - 6 days ago
I understand what people love about this Tumble and why it will likely win today as well as the entire JOTY for that matter
I don't AGREE with any of that, personally. And feel Diddlerhuvan (#1) and Cap Drive (#2) are the clear qualitative frontrunners in the 2024 campaign
But you do you, America. Something something about fluoride in the drinking water, the new prevalence of Philistine culture, and the race to the bottom trend in global populism
Momeja - 6 days ago
GOAT Tumble vs. yet another descent into darkness then triumph into light jam. The choice is clear. This Tumble has everything. It even tells a great story and reaches crazy heights in the stars before zooming down the mountaintop to its finale. I also love how Rick brings in bits of the song from time to time without ever going back to a type A jam. I never tire of listening to it or stop finding something new every time I hear it.
Andy - 6 days ago
I always love hearing this song and knowing when they’re going to drop into a great groove. But on this particular Tumble, they brought some serious funk to the party. Plus I was there and listening to the jam again brings me back.
Philly Special - 6 days ago
Certainties in life: death, taxes, and Big Pod pumping up the song that Big Pod is named after. The longer and weirder the better.
Me? I simply enjoy feeling the ultimate version of happiness and euphoria. Philly Tumble all the way. It will be remembered for years and years.
Cmon now - 6 days ago
Nothing has quite ever blown me away so much as Fiddlehuvan, I mean absolutely jaw dropping exploration and improv + Trevor Bass. That’s all
Seekers_pt_Deuce - 6 days ago
This Madhuvan is on a whole other level than the Tumble - confounded at the current vote results so far.
I AM NOT A ROBOT - 6 days ago
Can’t believe after this matchup we only get to do two more captchas! Vote fiddlehuvan because I said so and no other reason than that. I COMMAND YOU TO VOTE FIDDLEHUVAN
Matt - 6 days ago
How is this Madhuvan even here?!?!
Jam goes nowhere until the very end. When the best part of a jam is the composed part (see Cap Drive) it’s really an easy choice
TUMBLE gonna rock this matchup bc it’s elite jamming whirling and twisting into bliss.
Drewb - 6 days ago
I voted for the one seed
Ryan Storm - 6 days ago
"Rick Guitar Solo of the Year" I guess?
Vote Madhuvan!!
Steve Jolley - 6 days ago
A ride lies ahead so tie up your shoes 6/8 Madhuvan fans. Amazing jam. Truly incredible. Nothing but Mad [huvan] respect! But today, your run ends with Philly Tumble. I’ll say it again, don’t PHumbLe on this one… Philly Tumble to final.
902Vickers - 6 days ago
The Fiddlehuvan is a phenomenal jam, a multi-section masterpiece. JOTY? Call me when it’s time to vote for MKE or GR Madhuvan in the 2025 bracket.
Philly Tumble takes on a Cap jam on Tuesday
Chef - 6 days ago
A cheesesteak vs a vegan burger. Every ingredient in a cheesesteak has a purpose while the vegan burger is about 1/4 nonsense. I'll take a cheesesteak every time.
The people have spoken. Wheeeeeeeeee
I've listened to every goose show six times. Nobody knows goose better than I do. Should've had me on the pod. This would've never happened
I have to agree with every word from - Jim Bob Don. There is no way this Madhuvan should be loosing - and the westville Rockdale should have never been eliminated. What he said makes sense - these jams are too monstrous for the casual jam fans to take in. This competition should have came down to these two songs , and it would have been hard for me to decided between the two…… but these are by far the two best jams of 2024 - no doubt about it in my mind.
Jerry would've voted Madhuvan btw
Being a bliss jam is the only criteria needed for a jam to be seen as good in the goose community. The amount of times I've seen, "yeah that jam has multi sections all doing something different and doing them well but this jam has bliss! They lock into one single groove for 20 mins and it made me dance and feel good!" Just like westville Rockdale this madhuvan is taking an early undeserved exit because it's too monsterous for the casual jam fans to take in which we should just admit the goose community loves goose but do not love jam music and analyisis and that's apparent now. Philly tumble was awesome I was at that show and that jam saved the first set from being a jamless 1st set. But it does not have nearly enough grease to deserve to make it all the way. I was not at fiddlers but the madhuvan blew me away way more just from my couch. When the chaos in the beginning of the jam somehow forms into a structured rhythm it made me smile and laugh out loud but not because it's a feel good jam but because as musicians these guys are geniuses and when you get to experience that genius you remember exactly why you like jam music in the first place. So when you vote for tumble remember, the madhuvan was a work of art true to its form and you're throwing it away because it didnt make you feel good or dance.
Voting for Madhuvan because im not a coward
LMAO *cracks knuckles*
Is Elon helping with this Tumble vote? Suspicious gap, to say the least. Tumble is an excellent bliss jam, but Fiddlehuvan is the JOTY.
Wow!! Both are great. I figured it'd be closer than this. I like the beginning of the tumble jam more than the effects section of fiddlervan, but once both of them come out of their bliss sections, fiddlervan takes over.
This fan base sure does like Bliss Jams. Sigh. I love this Tumble but I’ll take this Madhuvan any day or night or this Tumble. This Madhuvan starts disorganized and chaotic, then regrouping, it goes dark before taking us from the depths to an emotional peak. This Tumble on the other hand was masterful guitar work and a great bliss jam but not unique enough for me to vote for it as JOTY. I’m saddened that this Madhuvan will likely join the should’ve been JOTY club instead of its rightful place atop the podium.
Everything is working out perfectly. Cap Drive will win next. I will turn on the Tumble supporters. The masses will follow me. The bracket is mine.
When did the Fox Arrow lose? wtf man
Neal is a friend. He is a great person. Love and light folks. We don’t need more drama in our society.
Friggen bliss jams. Come over to the dark side. Long live fiddlehuvan and long live fox arrow.
My biggest regret is blocking text messages from people with way more honor and integrity than I will ever have.
Is Philly going back to back with JOTY in 23 and 24?
I don't think the chef has enough restaurants to pull off a comeback. It's over.
Madhuvan was def the best 3/4 JOTY though.
Both jams are incredible. But at least I know what Tumble is about.
These comments are gold. Thank you all!
This is the matchup of the tournament. I love both of these jams and have questioned what is my number 1 constantly.
This madhuvan is an absolute monster. It gets out there and exploratory, it has multiple sections all amazing in their own way, it contains bliss, some more spooky vibes, has consistent fire Trevor bass throughout, is above 30 minutes with no wasted time, it really checks all of the boxes. Trevor’s bass line during the bliss segment is permanently cemented in my brain and has been for months. From the first time I heard this jam I knew it would be up there in 2024, it is a clear monster that if wins JOTY, I would be completely satisfied.
Philly tumble is extraordinary. My favorite jam of all time is 11/22/21 Arcadia, every time I listen to that jam I get goosebumps and an indescribable boost to my day. Philly tumble gives me a feeling closer to that Arcadia than any other jam I’ve ever heard. Rich’s playing in the second half of this jam is just outstanding. The guitar is an extension of himself and he is playing with so much emotion, putting it all out there. It is that sort of playing that is messy in a good way and makes you bob your head back and forth in random, not consistent sequences. Rich is better than anyone out there at finding something amazing and absolutely executing on it, and Philly tumble is a perfect example of that.
What is JOTY? Everyone has their own criteria that they value more or less than the next person which is what makes this so difficult and everyone’s opinions so different. I know the tumble places a lot of value on Rick’s playing while people say the madhuvan is more of a full band jam. While I agree mostly with this, I still think Philly tumble contains a lot of great stuff from everyone, Rick just puts the cherry on top and is the main focus at the end, as the lead guitarist typically is. I love full band jamming but also love when Rick shines so much and I don’t think value should be taken away from this tumble because Rick had an amazing solo.
When it comes down to it, I place the most value on the feeling that a jam gives me. How much do I constantly have it stuck in my head and want to go back and relisten to it? A jam that gives me that feeling of magic every time no matter how many re-listens deserves to be the JOTY. Every time I’ve tried to go against it and convince myself otherwise, it blows me away on relisten.
Philly tumble FTW!
What Duddy said. Tumble all the way
I have followed this entire Joty bracket this year to see the crown placed on Tumble. Madhuvan is my favorite Goose song, and its jams have won several times. This Tumble was an intense spiritual moment that happens only a few times in a lifetime. Go Philly Tumble!
1, 2, you know what to do
This Tumble inspired me this year man. Was listening to it on repeat as we were beating the Chiefs
What Duddy says.
Good Words Andrew Duddy, Good Words ????????????????
Tumble has the Je Ne Sais Quoi to go all the way!!
This is what the Bracket is all about. Two titans facing off and in the very subjective world of music and jams, we get to see what the people prefer. The winner here is probably the winner of the JOTY so vote wisely. Thanks again for those who organize this - Ryan, Neal, Jive, Adam and others.
The Madhuvan is a freight train of a jam. An incredible force. It is long but it earns it. For me, I think Goose jams should be closer to 20 mins than 40 mins and I think many agree. That was born out in last year's echo battle where the shorter of the two monsters won. But as I said I can't fault this Mad for being good enough to go the distance. It calls back many things we have seen and love about goose (lovely melodic space, heavy riffing like the echo from last year, and the ferocious finish). It does it all and does it all well. Respect.
However... There is another angle that has always been part of my perspective that I bring to bear on this discussion. Do we value the jam that does more things and for longer, or do we value the jam that does the most interesting or impactful thing, even if that may be for a shorter duration. The Tumble has a stretch in the middle for about 10 mins that is the best piece of music from the year. It's not just a peak from Rick. Even Jebb is making key additions with the shells or whatever. Cotter is a powerhouse. They sampled it for the viva el Gonzo promo vid because it's such a vibe. And in the year of Vibey Tumbles this was king. Peter, Vickers and others have called it the peak of the year and I can't disagree. Some of the best of Rick. Rick lays down the themes slowly and then gradually pieces them together for a guitar god peak - but it's thoughtful with restrained power. What I am looking for is that piece of music that takes me somewhere new and beautiful. Even if it's just a glimpse... A glimpse of Infinity. Some things are so powerful they can only be glimpsed for a short time. It opens the mind to what more could be. This Tumble does that. It pushes the envelope for the band. The funky section and the raging end are also great but that is not what gets it to this point. So for me, the best, most impactful piece of music for the year gets my vote and is going to win. I was fortunate enough to see it from the 3rd row in my hometown. A memory that won't soon fade.
I sent the Tumble to my dad last night and he was sobbing through the bliss peak part. Had a couple beers in him I bet too.
tumble for the win.It is some of the most beautiful music played
I understand what people love about this Tumble and why it will likely win today as well as the entire JOTY for that matter
I don't AGREE with any of that, personally. And feel Diddlerhuvan (#1) and Cap Drive (#2) are the clear qualitative frontrunners in the 2024 campaign
But you do you, America. Something something about fluoride in the drinking water, the new prevalence of Philistine culture, and the race to the bottom trend in global populism
GOAT Tumble vs. yet another descent into darkness then triumph into light jam. The choice is clear. This Tumble has everything. It even tells a great story and reaches crazy heights in the stars before zooming down the mountaintop to its finale. I also love how Rick brings in bits of the song from time to time without ever going back to a type A jam. I never tire of listening to it or stop finding something new every time I hear it.
I always love hearing this song and knowing when they’re going to drop into a great groove. But on this particular Tumble, they brought some serious funk to the party. Plus I was there and listening to the jam again brings me back.
Certainties in life: death, taxes, and Big Pod pumping up the song that Big Pod is named after. The longer and weirder the better.
Me? I simply enjoy feeling the ultimate version of happiness and euphoria. Philly Tumble all the way. It will be remembered for years and years.
Nothing has quite ever blown me away so much as Fiddlehuvan, I mean absolutely jaw dropping exploration and improv + Trevor Bass. That’s all
This Madhuvan is on a whole other level than the Tumble - confounded at the current vote results so far.
Can’t believe after this matchup we only get to do two more captchas! Vote fiddlehuvan because I said so and no other reason than that. I COMMAND YOU TO VOTE FIDDLEHUVAN
How is this Madhuvan even here?!?!
Jam goes nowhere until the very end. When the best part of a jam is the composed part (see Cap Drive) it’s really an easy choice
TUMBLE gonna rock this matchup bc it’s elite jamming whirling and twisting into bliss.
I voted for the one seed
"Rick Guitar Solo of the Year" I guess?
Vote Madhuvan!!
A ride lies ahead so tie up your shoes 6/8 Madhuvan fans. Amazing jam. Truly incredible. Nothing but Mad [huvan] respect! But today, your run ends with Philly Tumble. I’ll say it again, don’t PHumbLe on this one… Philly Tumble to final.
The Fiddlehuvan is a phenomenal jam, a multi-section masterpiece. JOTY? Call me when it’s time to vote for MKE or GR Madhuvan in the 2025 bracket.
Philly Tumble takes on a Cap jam on Tuesday
A cheesesteak vs a vegan burger. Every ingredient in a cheesesteak has a purpose while the vegan burger is about 1/4 nonsense. I'll take a cheesesteak every time.
Eat out more folks.