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Should Congress impeach judges who interfere with deportation operations?


  • Lesley - 2 days ago

    Judges are supposed to be objective and apply the law to the issue in question. Politics should not be involved.

  • Denise M. - 2 days ago

    100% yes!!!! I'm not sure what we're waiting on! They should have started some sort of proceeding when the first radical judge thought he was appointed president over the person we the people appointed president. I agree with the treason charge from other posters too. All it takes is one judge being dealt with and the other judges will back off (hopefully)!!

  • Audrey Lamar - 2 days ago

    ABSOLUTELY 100% YES. They are not for America. I am SO TIRED of these idiots claiming they are judges wanting to keep BAD people from other countries in America. America has enough Americans that do horrific crimes, WE DON’T NEED OTHER COUNTRIES rapist, murderers, theives etc. THEY NEED TO BE DEPORTED ASAP. If one of these people was to hurt this judge or any other judge that is against America. Then MAYBE they would change their tune.And that is a BIG IF.

  • Gail Robinson - 2 days ago

    Yes because they are all crooked and not following the law and our Constitution

  • Sue - 2 days ago

    I am so sick of these liberal judges who are even sicker than the democrats trying to ruin our country! I so hope Congress sticks together and impeach these traitor judges!

  • Nancy - 2 days ago

    You’re either with America or you’re not. And if you’re not, then you pay the consequences!!

  • Jan - 3 days ago

    Absolutely YES. Should have started - YESTERDAY - or sooner.

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