Should former presidents' families have Secret Service protection?


  • Terry - 3 hours ago

    Stay with the rules. Presidents, their wives and children age 16 and younger should have SS, but the older children should pay for their own private protection. Period.

  • Thomas Hodgson - 11 hours ago

    I voted 'Unsure" only because it seems to make sense to make the SS coverage of family dependent on a case-by-case threat evaluation. If the threat threshold is clear, indicating a high danger level, then the protection level should be commensurate. In all cases involving extended SS protection there should be thorough and timely reviews re continuance.

  • Nara - 13 hours ago

    I think & circumstances are the deciding rule at the time, as with GW Bush. I also think 18 is a ridiculous number, maximum 4 if needed. If the children are wealthy they should pay for their own security. Do the Obama children (adults) still have protection? If so, how many & why? Obama can certainly afford his own protection for his children.

  • ChaMar - yesterday

    No absolutely not, if they feel they need it they can pay for their own. Just President, wife and minor kids.

  • Gina G - yesterday

    I can see a legitimate reason to have them... but 18??? Gimme a break!!!!

  • Kathy - yesterday

    No records indicate this has ever occurred before why would it be something allowed now. Not only SHOULD the adults be responsible for their own protection CHARGES SHOULD BE BROUGHT TO REQUIRE THEM TO REPAY THE AMERICAN TAXPAYERS FOR THE EXCESSIVE COSTS INCURRED. This is simply STEALING FROM AMERICA!

  • Karen - yesterday

    No secret service. They are all rich enough to pay for their own protection.

  • Kathy - yesterday

    President adult offspring should not have Secret Service protection on the taxpayers dime. Once an offspring moves out of the President's residence or becomes of legal age, any protection they require should be paid for by them personally! How many other offsprings have it "indefinitely" after the President is no longer President? THIS IS RIDICULOUS!!!

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