Do you believe in state power over education?


  • ChaMar - 21 hours ago

    It didn’t work well when the federal government was running the education so like the idea of this be passed to the state. Hopefully the states will work with parents and include them in the education of their kids.

  • Gail Reese - 22 hours ago

    The government, state or federal, shouldn’t be involved in education! They could provide grants to poor families to pay tuition at a school of choice but no other function, especially curriculum.

  • Teresa Avila - yesterday

    I would love to see the states back in charge of the schools instead of the federal government, but as some have already mentioned here, blue states are more likely to continue with the garbage teachings. I live in California, where the liberal and crazy teachers are abundant. I do feel parents should have a voice in what is being taught to their children. My children are older and my last granddaughter is just graduating high school this year, but they live in Idaho.

  • Sarah McRoberts - yesterday

    This is a double edged sword depending on whose running the country at the time. It's good for conservative states but families in liberal states are still screwed. Illinois is working on passing a law that would allow the state to control what homeschool parents teach their kids and if they don't comply they will be jailed. I can see other liberal states and maybe even some not so conservative states following suite.

  • Lori - yesterday

    I am in Oregon. I see the blue States possibly continuing with the garbage being forced federally. Red states will definitely benefit. Hopefully more conservatives in blue states will get involved with their local school boards to keep everyone in check.

  • Debra - yesterday

    I would like to see the states take over the education or leave it up to the people.

  • Becky - yesterday

    The state should absolutely have the right to decide how to educate the children in their state. This will give the teachers a better handle on what to teach the kids and what they should be taught (reading, writing, math, science, history) vs. what the unions want to teach (CRT).

  • Nara - yesterday

    The US should s have overall standards for the States to meet. The basic reading, writing/English, math, science are basics that must meet the standards. Teachers should be paid well & required to meet standards also.

  • Mary - yesterday

    I live in a lib/dem state ????,... Love it if it if it became more conservative. ????

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