• fishing - 14 years ago

    although m a fan of MS but i will prefer chrome since its DOM is very resembling to IE and and in accordance to W3C but Firefox is just a mess for making trouble specially to the developers and designers..

  • handbags - 14 years ago

    pershendetje juve qe votoni un mendoj qe kete jav duhet te dal mimoza sepse nuk ka se qfar te jap me ne bb ka mbaruar koha e saj ne bb tung kaloni mir te gjith.

  • lisa - 15 years ago

    Ewww like wtf went trough her mind wen she did dis didn't she think bout how this could affect her hair now how is it gonna grow out . Dammn I get yuh wanna b diffrent or wateva but there better ways to doo it I mean ur stiil beautiful but disz was prolly not ur best Idea sryy btw dnt yuh got feiends ?

  • shake shake - 15 years ago

    i love it she looks hot it is very diffrent

  • Guy - 15 years ago

    OMG! WTF happened to your hair?!! you look like you had brain surgery on one side... don't you have friends? If I were your friend I wouldn't have let that go're still beautiful though, but that hair cut doesn't work for you. Maybe you could part it down the middle and wear it so that the disaster doesnt show... or maybe one of those lace face wigs like beyonce wears, you should've given her your hair, that you cut off....I'm sure she would have put it to some she looks like she could be Maddox (angelina jolie's son) older sister.

  • joysjoy - 15 years ago

    I think the bitch is crazy

  • jade - 15 years ago

    i think she doesnt know how 2 xpress herself so she probably thought that this was the best way.

  • isha - 15 years ago

    wtf was u on dat crack shit yo ithink you got a problem

  • lit - 15 years ago

    omg, wtf was she thinking, she needs too wear a wig know , fukin stupid buff bitch, && why u tink dat wid attrack people to da same, not all people wanna go fuked likee u unooo soo do wun too wun, wagwunn blaad, lit out, blesss holdd it, lovee yoouu xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • lit - 15 years ago

    omg, wtf was she thinking, she needs too wear a wig know , fukin stupid buff bitch, && why u tink dat wid attrack people to da same, not all people wanna go fuked likee u unooo soo do wun too wun, wagwunn blaad, lit out, blesss holdd it, lovee yoouu xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Nunya - 15 years ago

    woow! shes brave boii!!! watz it gonna luk like wen it starts 2 grow bak???

  • Shamile - 15 years ago

    Yo only she could do this. Anybody else would look retarded. I think it's dope. Like Diddy said, "Dare to be different"

  • kARA bby - 15 years ago

    man.. what the fucc is her problem she need to be slapped like on sum real b/c dnt no body grow they hair [[if she grew it]] that long an then cut half the shit off.
    mane......thas that bitchassness. an some wun need to hanlde that {diddy}

    -neways... she need help///!!!!!!!
    {she pulled a gotdamn brittany spears.. smfh.

  • idgaf - 15 years ago

    of course people are gonna hate on something they aren't used especially from cassie eveybody hates on her. they say she jacked jack davey but a lotta people been doing the shaved head let her do what she wanna do. she got balls. shave half yall hair off and see if you can walk around in public....

  • skid - 15 years ago

    i think she looks sexy

  • Nick - 15 years ago

    ITS HOTT, SHE LOOKS HOTT, wats wrong wth changin it up a lil bit??? GORGEOUS!!!!!

  • Christa Mi Marie - 15 years ago

    I could really care less
    UGH can she be her own person ??? ...wannabe Ms. Jack Davey

  • sup - 15 years ago

    my bff rocked that look in high school 20 yra ago

  • o2mile21 - 15 years ago

    fwho da hell told her she is a damn rockstar. she is a very pretty gurl but her azz lookin like she just got out da pin.(jailbird)

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