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How will the Flyers do against the Penguins in the first round?

Total Votes: 521

  • Mark - 15 years ago

    How can you possibly pick the flyers to loose 2 years in a row to the same team?
    Sid the kid needs to be playing golf early this year! Let's go flyers!!! Show some flyer pride and fight hard every minute for your fans! Lift that cup it's been too long

  • phil rupe - 15 years ago

    the flyers need to work on their puck handling. i dont want to hear excuses about the ice, the pens handled the puck like it was magnetized on that same surface. that being said, "Let's Go Flyers"!!!

  • jim - 15 years ago

    i believe that they will go 7 games because the pens are a hard team to play

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