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Troll Call!

Total Votes: 2,513

  • joe doaks - 15 years ago

    so, we're like building the bridge, that the trolls, unwilling to cross, will live under. Free housing. there's a poetic title in there somewhere, but i can't put my finger on it.

  • winemkr - 15 years ago

    Why would you let ignorant trolls post on Hot Air when they already have homes at places like KOS and Huffington post et al.

    Regardless of political affiliation we are all like water, we seek to level ourselves with like minded molecules.

    In other words we seek the path of least resistance and we accumulate there.

    Seeking the path of least resistance does not equal a closed mind or a mob mentality.

    We (I) come to hot air to be with those of like mind. If I want to waste my time reading lunacy I have a disproportionate amount of websites that qualify as troll territory.

    I come to Hot Air for truth and a small dose of outrage.

    I don't think the green room is going to work out either.

    One of the problems with Hot Air, as well as ACE of Spades is the tedious amount of one sentence proclamations that one must weed through to find an intelligent thoughtful post. I know this is why you people have created the green room but the reality of Hot Air's success is the same as Drudge's success.

    People come here for headline news, and one other thing, thoughtful comments on the headlines by the head bloggers.

    I think Hot Air will one day be more important than Drudge (hitwise) as long as you don't succumb to the desire to be all things to all people.

    Your audience is miniscule and you risk loosing them.

    Let me back in Allah, you maggot.


  • Paleo Pat - 15 years ago

    Uh, No.

  • Harry Schell - 15 years ago

    I think it is a fine idea, but flaming emotional diatribes are a waste of time, as are people who cannot learn new things and admit they don't know it all.

    That said, the worst that could happen is it turns out nobody but lefties go there for lack of intelligent conversation and you shut it down.

    You can bet Huffer Post or Kos would never try such an "inclusive" idea...this is much more liberal in the classic sense.

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