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How do you find the beauty counter experience? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 401

  • Deirdre - 15 years ago

    I've always found the girls at the Stila counter to be really lovely and very helpful. On the other hand the Bobbi Brown and Nars counters are the complete opposite can be really unhelpful, rude and down right condescending. I don't buy stuff off them anymore I got fed up of the "look what the cat dragged in" looks. The MAC counter can be like that at times but it depends on who you're talking to.

  • Pamala - 15 years ago

    Generally I find all staff very helpful and really enjoy shopping at counters with the exception of Bobbi Brown in Brown Thomas, I have continuisley found the staff to be rude, unhelpful and pushy. I have had several bad product recommendations even after I explained my concerns and needs to the assistant. I like Bobbi Brown products but don't buy them as several bad experiences put me off.

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