Names that look legit seem to be spammers, ones I assume are spammers are usually people I really enjoy following.
I look at your Description and URL first. If you're a photographer or a Maryland resident I'm hovering on the follow button as I read your last few tweets. Do you provide a service to your followers? RT's? Links? Knowledge or humor?
If you list yourself as a 'professional' or 'expert' of something and do not fall under the photographer or Maryland resident qualifications I very well may pass but I will check out your last so many follows first just to make sure. You may be a social media expert and valuable content.
Names that look legit seem to be spammers, ones I assume are spammers are usually people I really enjoy following.
I look at your Description and URL first. If you're a photographer or a Maryland resident I'm hovering on the follow button as I read your last few tweets. Do you provide a service to your followers? RT's? Links? Knowledge or humor?
If you list yourself as a 'professional' or 'expert' of something and do not fall under the photographer or Maryland resident qualifications I very well may pass but I will check out your last so many follows first just to make sure. You may be a social media expert and valuable content.