Mostly individuals and some companies. I would like to see a poll that asks what sort of individuals and companies you follow. For example, I follow photographers and twitter users local to me. So I don't dilute the important information from those I follow - I usually keep to this formula. If you follow me, thank you, I hope I can provide information that you find useful, but if I don't find your updates useful myself, don't be sad if I don't follow you back.
But then again, that's my idea anyways.
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Mostly individuals and some companies. I would like to see a poll that asks what sort of individuals and companies you follow. For example, I follow photographers and twitter users local to me. So I don't dilute the important information from those I follow - I usually keep to this formula. If you follow me, thank you, I hope I can provide information that you find useful, but if I don't find your updates useful myself, don't be sad if I don't follow you back.
But then again, that's my idea anyways.