How worried are you about the spread of swine flu?


  • Kris k. - 15 years ago

    I figure this was yet another phony-baloney hoax to keep the sheep and turkeys off balance and on target.

    Swine flu is not the problem. State-sponsered disinformation is.

    But never mind that now. The Nancy Grace show is on, and American Idol follows.

    Priorities, you know...

    + + +

  • lkwt - 15 years ago

    I think the governments were just testing out some new biological/germ warfare, to see how well it would spread.

  • Sunshine - 15 years ago

    Health facilities in this province of Nfld. and Labrador (poor conditions)
    leave me with the feeling of being very vulnerable.

  • archie - 15 years ago

    KC: I concur with your point of view 100%. Earth warming can be included as well.

  • Mr Canada - 15 years ago

    The next big scam...alien invasions. Seriosly, I know a guy who knows a guy who says his friend's dad's Uncle had a dream about being abducted, and when he got back, he was hungry (which I was assured had nothing to do with it being time for breakfast). Soon it will be all over the news, I can feel it. And if you think that's ridiculous, think how ridiculous this swine flu thing is.

  • KC - 15 years ago

    instead of reporting every single new swine flu diagnosis in real-time, the media should be reporting every single case of death caused by malaria or AIDS. now there's a crisis.

  • Kris k. - 15 years ago

    Has your nanny government scared you again? Are you now afraid to touch your own mouth and eyes? Are you one of the millions of turkeys and sheep who went out and purchased a worthless little paper mask because you've seen so many other turkeys and sheep wearing them? Is this you?

    As a herd, Homo sapiens tend towards lazy stupidity, and they will usually do what they're told once they've been sufficiently frightened by something they won't bother to understand. Y2K, SARS, avian flu, swine flu, etc. etc. blah blah blah... In a weird, depressing way, these faux, overblown designer crises become fads amongst the Great Unwashed, allowing their leaders to shuffle and drive them about at will, and with impunity.

    You have a greater chance of slipping in your shower and breaking your neck than you have of contracting and croaking from "swine" flu.

    You have a far greater chance of being crushed to death in your car by a careening drunk driver during your Friday night commute home than you have of contracting and croaking from "swine" flu.

    Fear is a powerful drug, and government knows how to use it. Keep the turkeys and sheep frightened, and they'll do what you tell them to do.

    Sad, really. I used to think we were better than this. As a herd, I mean.

  • Lord Kitchener's Own - 15 years ago


    You write "almost 400 people died in the USA last year from flu" but I think you missed a couple of zeros. On average about 35 THOUSAND people die of the flu in the U.S. each year, almost 100X your number.

    Of course, that fact only BOLSTERS the point you're making.

  • Balmed Out - 15 years ago

    Once again the media makes the most of a news story and sensationalizes it to the limit.

  • Ed Hardison - 15 years ago

    Almost 400 people died in the USA last year from flu.
    Did we have any media stories ...or health alerts ?
    Nope .
    So far one [1] person has died of this new flu in the USA.
    Hysteria strikes again.
    blessings from Virgil,ON.

  • Mars - 15 years ago

    Just natures way of dealing with overpopulation! LIke so called-global warming -natures way of dealing with the earths problems!

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