How would you react if a federal election were called for this summer?


  • R. Smith - 15 years ago

    The Harper Government has done more positive things for this Country than any other Government, including attempts to deal with skyrocketing crimes. The past Liberal Government answer to solving crime was to bring in the useless $2-billion gun registry which is still costing millions of dollars annually while gun crimes are increasing. The Harper Government would be a lot more successful in solving crime and other problems across Canada if the opposiiton MP's and Senators voted in the best interest of law abiding Canadians instead of just trying to defeat this government.

  • Mars - 15 years ago

    Am fed up with hearing about Iggy!!! He has about as much charisma as a stone!!! Usinging blackmail-against the conservatives- about everything--it's my way-- or the high way--well--lets have an election-then-- those that vote 4 a -nobody-let them reap the harvest.Hope U take him out of the spotlight-sick of seeing his arrogant mug!!

  • Mick - 15 years ago

    Harper broke his own election law - BROKE HIS WORD AND THE LAW - to have an election last October.

    Then, when the going got tough after his fundamentally stupid and misguided fall economic update, he all but demanded another election in lieu of prorogation. Lucky for Harper, he was successful in his bid, and shut down Parliament in the middle of an economic crisis.

    He lied to Canadians about the economy last fall. He lied to Canadians about the nation's finances, stating time and again that there would be no recession, and no deficit, when it fact, long before his new "stimulus" budget, his government had racked up billions in the red.

    Thankfully Michael Ignatieff is standing up to Harper by putting him on probation.

  • Ralph - 15 years ago

    The law to set and control dates of elections was finally completed. I feel everyone should push for this law to be followed. Of course the PM broke his own law and opened a can of worms, he should be the first to be punished and then Iggy can follow suit.

  • Chris S. - 15 years ago

    Michael Ignatieff is the best Opposition Leader our Parliament has had in a while. He and his caucus are actually getting things done and pressuring the government to do what's right. Maybe Mr. Harper will finally clue in to what it means to govern in the minority and stop acting like he's still in opposition!

  • dAF - 15 years ago

    Mr. Ignatieff is not a politician, he is an Opportunist. Look at the list of types of work he has done! Now he wants to add politician to his résumé. The Liberals have made another mistake by making him their leader. The Liberals are spiraling into a minority party in Canada, which may not be all that bad actually, but more of a good thing.

  • peggymerritt - 15 years ago

    I resent Iggy wrapping himself in the Canadian Flag inferring that our Prime Minister is not a patriot Canadian. To state that Stephen is a flawed Canadian is beyond arrogance and insulting. In a minority Government Stephen Harper has done a courageous job of balancing the priorities that will help Canadian families maintain some security in their lives and has had to make decisions that I am sure he is not philosophically happy about . I support Chanel Hebert's comment is her book that Paul Martin left a very messy kitchen and Stephen Harper has spent most of his time cleaning up after the status quo Liberal time in office. I say that after three years in a minority Stephen Harper deserves a Medal of Honour!

  • Marilyn Fraser - 15 years ago

    I am getting very angry with Ignatieff. He is, in effect, blackmailing Harper and the Consevatives. The country did not vote for Ignatieff but he is trying to force his policies and ideas on the Conservatives and Canada by threatening an election if Harper doesn't do what Iggy wants! Enough!!
    When election time comes, Canadians can decide who they want to run the country - Harper or Ignatieff. In the meantime, Iggy better stop trying to blackmail the Conservatives to do what HE wants. If he forces an election on us, I will do what I can to defeat him for this.

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