Are We Spending Too Much On NASA?


  • j - 14 years ago

    Thank you

  • j - 14 years ago


  • Taryn Cloud - 14 years ago

    what's nasa's number

  • James Avila - 14 years ago

    I'm gay

  • Justin Beiber - 14 years ago

    Sorry about that comment my agent told me to do it as a publicity stunt. i havent gotten alot of attention in the paparazzi magazines so i needed to get in. im not as good as every one makes out to be

  • Justin Beiber - 14 years ago

    NASA is a conspiracy that the nazis originally came up with. they decided to build NASA to found out how how send americans in space and leave them there to die

  • zeeen - 14 years ago

    they get a lot of money to further their new rocket launches and space shuttles. Serously, even when humans face extinction, you think NASA will allow people to ride on their space shuttles to go live outside of Earth for a cheap price, a tour around the earth as I learned, costs like millions of dollars. We should start to know that their objectives outside of earth are really not that useful to the inhabitants of planet earth. Just a waste of our resources.

  • Danielle - 15 years ago

    I think that NASA is important but, if we spent as much time and money into finding better ways to live on this planet while helping it recover from the centuries of human abuse, then we wouldn't NEED to go to Mars, or the moon or whatever. The situation on Earth isn't irreversible, just most people are too lazy to fix it

  • Charles M. Pio - 15 years ago

    This is an interesting and informative site.

  • kayla kelly - 15 years ago

    nasa, i think we are not spending enough because if we didn't have nasa we wouldn't know if it would be possibl to ever go up into space. and did you know that all the money we put into the space program it helps us and them to build stronger snd better shuttles for when people go up into space.

    p.s. think of all the people who died in space, how did the die?

  • Nacnude - 15 years ago

    Need to privatize it and we will be in space in 20 years.

  • Thomas Hays - 15 years ago

    I voted we havent spent enough, but I also think that NASA misappropriates a lot of its money. They are so full of red tape and bureaucracy as a result of messing with really dangerous rockets, that now everything they do costs a fortune.

    NASA does not need to be out front for new energy tech, (let universities and companies do that)

    NASA does not need to be so concerned about working with other nations

    NASA does not need to sponsor "ethnic group X" based events. There are countless other organizations for that type of thing!

    Their focus need to remain on SPACE, AVIATION, and growing the next generation of its employees.

    we seem to think there isnt anything left in space that is cool and possible..... except maybe mars. So here are a few suggestions:

    Alternate methods to space: Fly into space, fly back home.

    rockets are horribly inefficient (98% of the fuel is spent just to lift the fuel) We really can't do anything too cool until we can lift some SERIOUS weight into orbit. Its time for either ionic high altitude thruster research, or continued hypersonic research. Just some way of using a wing to help lift mass into orbit. Once you are in space..... then its time to fire your rockets.

    Radiation shielding for space
    high power nuke power sources for space
    off planet robotic mining
    moon telescope (you thought hubble was cool)
    Off planet habitat (because a comet might not say "well *&%$ that"

    in short, NASA should not be a social organization, or a general purpose research organization. They should be refocused as an AIR AND SPACE administration....

  • Russell gordon - 15 years ago

    If we stopped wasting money on top level CEO's golden parachutes, we'd have plenty more to spend on NASA.

  • wolssiloa - 15 years ago

    The thing is you can do reverse contamination, that is contaminate the moon or other planets with life forms from Earth!

  • David Miles - 15 years ago

    It's not possible to spend too much on Nasa. Seriously.

    Think about this. If we want to keep living our lives the way we do with all our fun toys and gadgets and things (I know I do), we're going to have to get more rare elements and other basic necessities from somewhere. Well, that's not going to be here on Earth.

    And what if we could set up manufacturing and other highly polluting activities somewhere else. On the moon for example. It's not like there's an atmosphere or a bunch of animals there to screw up. How cool would that be.

    So I say, spend more on NASA.

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