Should public schools mandate uniforms?


  • Gail - 15 years ago

    Why should school officials HAVE to enforce the current dress code? Parents of grammar school children normally are the ones who buy their clothing. The PARENTS should enforce the dress code. Then we would not be wasting school officials time of making phone calls to parents to come get their children, babysitting the children in the office and keeping them away from their classes. Uniforms in the long run are less expensive than regular clothing.

  • Traci - 15 years ago

    If I wanted my child in a uniform, I would have sent him to a catholic school. School officials just need to enforce the current dress code, send the kid home or make them change if they come in dressed incomplient to the dress code. Plus who pays for the uniforms when they have to be repurchased throughout the year because our children grow out of them. My child is growing like a vine, he's in the 4th grade. At least jeans come with an adjustable waist I can change throughout the year. Get real school systems!!!!!

  • eaglet62 - 15 years ago

    I will not send my children to school in uniforms even if it is decided to adopt them. Let them kick the kids out. I'll home school. At least I know they won't be watching movies and eating junk (school carbohydrate lunches).

  • John R. McCommas - 15 years ago

    What they should mandate is higher standards. They can start by teaching all children ENGLISH as a first language instead of a second language from Grade K.

    What the pupils are wearing is trivial.

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