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What should ND have done?

Total Votes: 4,608

  • Pookiebear60 - 15 years ago

    I hear that, Sheryl!! I will pass this on to all of our conservative compadres...and maybe some liberal strays, too...

  • Sheryl McKenzie - 15 years ago

    I've heard that the catholics have changed their bible to read THE 10 SUGGESTIONS instead of THE 10 COMMANDMENTS. It's much more liberal that way.

  • Pookiebear60 - 15 years ago

    What Notre Dame did would be the equivilent to say, Planned Parenthood honoring Father Frank Pavone at their annual hoopla dinner. Yeah, it would open up some dialogue alright; but does anyone really think that Planned Parenthood is interested in dialogue? In honoring someone so radically against (not just by word, but by deed) what they stand for? Of course not. Notre Dame just the same as put out big banner that says, 'We are up for compromise", when there is no room for compromise on this issue. There's been way too much already, and it is costing lives every minute.

    It was an arrogant act on Obama's part, and no surprise; he is still feeding on his shrinking popularity, and he only cares about what kind of uproar he has the power to cause. And a chance to rhetoric his way out of what his record has proven, par for his course. Watch and see what he does to make adoption more available; watch and see what he does to give aid to those women who do choose life. So far, his record is speaking much louder than his words. Here's his chance to out-do what he says.

  • MM - 15 years ago

    Way to go caseoftheblues. Abortion is not just a catholic issue, it's a Bibical issue. It's a God thing. It's not what obama says that is so important, nor is it dialog. It is all about what does the God of the universe say in His word. The problem is, many have thrown the Bible out with the baby in the wash.

    Where would America be with all the issues facing us today i.e. economy, medicare, social security, jobs, etc. if we had not aborted 40,000,000,000 babies since roe vs wade and about 4000 babies per day? These babies would be buying goods and services, supporting social security, medicare, buying cars and houses. The abortion industry is part of the reason we are in this fix.

  • caseoftheblues - 15 years ago

    So Irishwasherwoman explain to me how exactly a dialog about killing babies goes, especially with someone of pure self-absorbed evil that is obama. Catholic:
    We think all life is precious and abortion is always wrong.
    I think killing babies is just fine and if they are born alive accidently it is still ok to kill them as they lay of the table. And not only that I will take your tax dollars to pay for abortions of other Americans and will also use your tax dollars to pay for abortions for women in other countries....and I found the most radical pro-abortion apointee I could find to be in charge of Health and Human Services and I will only appoint a radical pro-abortion Supreme court Judge... Ok I won so what I say is what goes...end of dialog

    ...yeh that pretty much is the dialog. Gee I think your pride of ND is seriously misplaced. As far as I am concerned the school is forever in my mind a pile of crap!

  • phillip dougherty - 15 years ago

    Suprising poll reports from the "WHAT'S BAD FOR OBAMA TODAY" website. I don't care how often you mention Bush Derangement Syndrome. There has never been such a daily concentrated amount of hate directed at a President.

  • Irishwasherwoman - 15 years ago

    As a Notre Dame graduate, I am very proud of my university. It has opened an important dialog and upheld a very honorable tradition.

  • kringeesmom - 15 years ago

    should be invited to speak at another occasion, not graduation as a commencement speaker should mirror the academic philosophy of the college.

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